this video is about Diabetic Pedicure Tutorial and Foot Care Routine at Home. I’m Lori Halloway known as the Meticulous Manicurist and my goal is to provide real-life situations to teach you how to tackle the toughest toenail situations with ease.
Today we are going to tackle a Diabetic pedicure and foot care routine so you can understand how to help loved ones at home, this ticklish client came all the way from Cleveland with his wife, so stay tuned. Diabetes is a tricky condition but there are things you can look for that will give you clues your clients might be diabetic. You should always take safety precautions with all clients but it more important than ever to not cut a diabetic client. It can be difficult because their feet may have fluid retention and tight skin limiting how easy it is to get the nippers under the nail to trim. That is why soaking the feet is very important to soften the skin to give you more flexibility.
Even though I can kind of see-through his toenails I want to check under the nail with my toenail rasp to make sure where I am going to shorten the nail is free of any skin that may be in the way. Of course, you never want to cut any client but it is especially important not to cut a diabetic client. They may have some neuropathy and lost some feeling in their feet or have diminished circulation that helps with healing. this is how someone could get an infection that leads to other issues.
After the nails have been trimmed and more cuticle remover applied it is time to push back the adhered skin and remove it from the nail plate. When using the cuticle pusher press down slightly with light pressure press into the skin to determine how soft the excess skin is. don’t press too hard into the nail plate, this causes pressure on the nail that may be uncomfortable for the client and you can scrape off layers of the nail. if you accidentally do this you can buff out the lines so when you polish the nail looks smooth. My stainless steel cuticle pusher has a beveled edge that slides under and helps lift off the adhered skin easily. I will show you all the tools that come in the kit at the end. When using the pusher press down slightly wi
I have several pairs of nippers out during a pedicure in case I need to trim a nail that appears to have nail fungus because I don’t want to spread it to the other nails and one for trimming skin so they stay sharp. You can buy the nippers individually and they do come in the pedicure kit.
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Thanks for watching my video about Diabetic Pedicure Tutorial and Foot Care Routine at Home
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When using the emory board, buffer block or other non metal tools how do you sanitize it, or do you throw it away after each client? What about the brush you use to apply that softener?
Why not wear gloves ?
My husband & I use cbd oil tincture and I got smart. I reuse the empty tincture bottles for the cuticle remover. I love my rasp and nail care kit.
Pés sujos, nojento
Essas legendas em cima do trabalho, não nos deixam Assistir .
I appreciate your videos thank you
I have a question for you . Why aren't you wareing plastic gloves?
Especially with all the fungus?
Без перчаток и с кольцами.. Жесть. Вся эта грязь попадает к вам под ногти и под кольца. Сомневаюсь, что вы все украшения снимаете после каждого клиента и вымываете щеткой. Как-то это совсем не гигиенично
No gloves aff
What item do you use for taking the dead skin of the bottom of the feet
Why You never wear glows? I love yours videos but I can't understand why you not wearing gloves I don't find it hygienic. 😶
How much is your special tools special for sale I would like to parchased Lory please can you tell me?
I am a new fan 😁. Approximately how long do your pedicures usually take, without the editing? For example, under treated, untreated, impacted, ingrown nails? I know time will vary, I'm just trying to get an idea. I love gyet, and can easily loose track of time 😊.