This video is about Six Pedicure Tips for Every Toenail Situation.
Wow, that was a big surprise! Thanks, E! News for that exposure! I believe there are more people in the world looking to find ways to improve their tough toenail situations than people with pretty good feet… BUT even pretty feet AND NAILS need to be cleaned to prevent future problems. In today’s video, I share six tips to help your toenails look their best! So stay tuned!
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Tip #1
When you use glitter nail polish it is a bear to remove you can remove it faster if you use an electric file to buff most of it off, you can use a ceramic cross cut med/fine bit in forward or reverse, it is fine enough that it won’t harm the natural nail if you use very light pressure. then you can use your acetone to remove the rest. Leave any tiny bits for the end because you will be cleaning again before you polish.
Tip #2
Always use cuticle remover to expose all the excess skin around the cuticles that should be cleaned away. Cleaning away this buildup prevents pressure in the nail grooves and helps nail polish stay on for months!
Tip #3
toe shapes are all different and it is sometimes hard to determine when the free edge is straight. The toe may bend to one side or the other. Determine how to file the free edge by examining the placement of the nail attachment point and the end of the toe to make the nail appears as even as possible.
Tip #4
When you feel resistance while trimming your toenails do not force the nippers into the corner of the nail you could cut your self use the ingrown toenail rasp to clean around the area and make sure you are not going to cut live skin.
to ensure the nail polish lasts for a long time clean off the nail plate with acetone nail polish remover this will slightly dehydrate the nail so the base coat will adhere well.
Tip #5
When you are trying to create an optical illusion on a toe that doesn’t grow straight make sure you clean out from under the nail to see if you have more free edge to work with when there is material pressing against the back of the nail it makes it appear like there isn’t much free edge there.
#6 when the foot comes out of the water for the last time and right before you polish, make sure to go around the nails one more time with the ingrown sidewall cleaner to pick up any more excess skin that has been softened this will ensure a clean finished appearance
You can find all the Meticulous manicurist brand of tools used in the video on my online store, visit the meticulousmanicurist.com and click the online store link
Thank you to everyone still watching the longer you watch my videos the higher chance of them being recommended. I am still taking entries for the worldwide pedicure tour. The sooner I reach 500k subscribers the sooner I will be traveling to hopefully see you! All you have to do to enter is subscribe to the channel, share the video, click the thumbs up, fill out the entry form there is a link in the description and hopefully, you click the share button every now and then on other videos of mine you watch. Like I said at the beginning of this video I believe there are more people in the world looking for answers how to do deal with their toenail situations and even people with pretty feet need to know how to clean them properly. I would like to help as many people as I can with my real life, real situation, for real learning style. So I hope you join me in my efforts.
Thanks for watching my video about This video is about Six Pedicure Tips for Every Toenail Situation.
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Very good tips 🙂
I knew that would have debris in her sidewalls but not as much as you did. The sidewall cleaner is a mush have.
Can you leave the cuticle remover on indefinitely?
You do a great job i havent had a pedicure in quite a while i can't wait to go Saturday
I love ur videos😭 so helpful and relaxing
Always enjoy watching your videos the tools that you use are better than the ones I use. I wish upon a star to have you do my big toe, but the wish that did came true is, I get to watch all your beautiful videos. so I thank you
Just a quick question. I put lotion on my feet and toenails and sometime almond oil on my toenails. No matter what my cuticles around my toes is always dry. Do you recommend anything that is good for this. I use the Gold Bond lotion with urea for my feet. Thank you Teresa
I cut my husband’s nails. I need to get your tools so I can do it the right way!
I absolutely love your videos! Definitely great tips that will help ensure a better pedicure service and better outcome!💖 thank you for sharing
You can also use a cheap peel off base coat for easy glitter polish removal
When the big toe is set at an odd angle, is it best to make it look straight or just go with the floe of the toe ?
I have become obsessed with your videos! I have had an issue with my big toe for years. It started off with 3 tiny dots on my toe I noticed about a month after pedicure. I went to my doctor and he told me it was fungus. He prescribed me and oral medication, but was honest with me and said it might work and it might not. about three years later I still have the fungus. I'm determined to get rid of it and I'm so glad I found you. I made a purchase at your store and can't wait for my product to arrive! Thank you so much!
Lori are your tools only for right handers
Hi, great video as always!! Do you always work with the elderly? Bless their hearts..I always wonder how their toes got in that shape. I have worked for years trying to get my toenails straightened out because some of them are a little crooked and finally they're almost there. Thanks to you ❤❤❤
Thank you for all the tips for a
I want to get your pedicure kit! Will have to ask for it for Christmas 😬