This video is about Ingrown Toenail Cleaning Home Pedicure Tutorial Real Life
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It is spring time here is the US and everyone is probably thinking about how to do their pedicure at home. This client has been suffering from ingrown toenail pain for a long time and cant relieve her ingrown nails at home. She comes to see me every few months so I can do her ingrown toenail cleaning and relieve the impacted nails. The ingrown tools I use are all available on my online store. Watching this real life pedicure is like watching reality tv and people got hooked so get ready to learn about this ingrown toenail treatment.
The Meticulous Manicurist Nail Tutorials sets a new standard in nail education utilizing Real life, Real situations for Real learning. Lori is a professional nail technician, her YouTube channel is unique and full of explicit instructional lessons to support the education, growth and collaboration of nail technicians and nail lovers all over the world. Her nail tutorials range from Beginners Acrylic Nails providing Step by Step instruction to Pedicure Tutorials that demonstrate routine care for your Feet. Everything you ever wanted to know about Nails, Manicures, Pedicures, Acrylic Nails, Foot Massage Techniques and Nail Art are shared in her tutorials. She hopes to inspire & enrich the perception of the Nail Career by Nail Technicians to create lasting bonds with clientele. People can even learn how to care for their feet and nails at home with professional instruction for pedicures and acrylic nails. If you would like to be notified of video uploads be sure to subscribe.
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▶️Manicure Kit http://bit.ly/mm-manicurekit
▶️Pedicure Kit http://bit.ly/pedicurekit
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Hi I love watching your YouTube video and you do have patient With your customers and you back ground sound like water fall it very relaxing and peace full and I say to myself. I wish I have you medicure too .the only I don't have it your tool is in grow push to lift the toe and the cuticle remover and the oil I don't have that tool or the other product.and maybe one day I will order some medicure tool from you because I get jelouse if I don't get my toe done sound crazy right. And I am you huge fan of you .just wanted to let you know that all
Love your explanations!
Meticulous manicurist. Lori, if you've had a nail totally removed due to in growing issues (it's a big one too) can an acrylic nail be built on it? Or is there something that can be done so open toe shoes can be warn for an occasion? I've tried full glue on nails, but that was a disaster,so I end up going for enclosed shoes all the time😥
Excellent videos! I would love a pedicure done by you! 😊
How do you fix a toe nail that does this? Mine is worse than this and it bugs me.
Awesome job
My sidewalls are almost not there. What is that? Anybody know? There s is no scraping anything from there no matter how long a soak.
Just discovered your channel I'm hooked cant stop watching👀
Hi Lori, i love to watch your videos to relax! Not a big fan of feet, which is funny because I love the pedicure tutorials. My toes are much like this client's. I will be getting my hands on your pedicure kit. Im hoping it will provide much needed relief for my sore toes. Thank you so much. ❤
Are your products available in the UK at all?
Greetings from Athens Greece. Could you tell me what is that whitish liquid that you place by drops and what it serves. It is around 0.30 seconds.
Thank you.
New subbie for life now if only I can do this to myself with having tears coming to my eyes and having to stop 😐😂😂😂
It’s blurry 😭
Another relaxing video❤️
I get relief watching their relief 😂
So satisfying lol
Loving the nail polish color
Do you have any suggestions for someone in Southern Oklahoma? My big toes need help….