from the website www.howto.tv Many people enjoy being pampered when getting their nails pedicured professionally, but by following this simple step by step guide you can get your feet in tip top shape at home in a little over half an hour. Items you’ll need for the pedicure — a basin or tub, foot soak or bath salts, pumice footstone, small brush, nail polish remover, cotton pads, nail polish, base coat for nails, top coat for nails, clippers, file, cuticle stick, lotion and foot scrub treatment. Remove old nail varnish using nail polish remover and a paper towel or cotton pads. Both are better than a tissue, offering more friction. Always try to use a non-acetone polish remover, as its less drying to nails and cuticles. If necessary clip or file your nails while they’re dry. If using an emery board, file in one direction using smooth strokes. Clip your toenails straight across using a toenail clipper or scissors Fill a basin with several inches of warm water. Add foot soak or bath salts as the tub fills. Soak your feet for 10-15 minutes Dry off thoroughly and apply cuticle cream or lotion. Gently ease the cuticles back by making tiny circles against the cuticles with an orangewood stick. They should be supple due to the soaking. Massage your feet with moisturising lotion, use an exfoliating lotion if the skin is dry and use a pumice footstone on roughened areas. Separate your toes, putting cotton between them, unless you have a ready made pedicure device. Apply a base …
Looking for Pedicure Tips and Advice? This is worth watching…

It was the model
I don’t think this video was bad I think it
since their at a salon the water should not re circulate but drain out and where’s the pumice stone ???? bad even 4 beginers wheres the cuticle care
omfg that’s terrible … cant believe that im seeing this video that’s a video horror…
didn’t scrub any dead skin from her feet???
the yellowness could be cause by nail polish. To remove it, cut a lemon or lime open and rub it on the toes (sorry not sure if either or only one works.)
Lol professional pedicure?! Those nails are yellow and full of ridges! A lot of mess all in all!
OKAY those toes were NOT well done
loss? you cover LOSS? What did you think we’d be doing to our feet??
Ewww a foot herpie
lmfaooo she def did
nail clippers
Did she say to get nail clippers or SCISSORS???
If leaving horrible comments on other videos featuring women helps your tiny self-esteem, I say go ahead! 🙂
how is this giving yourself a pedicure?
as a professional pedicurist this is not the way to give pedicure, you don’t leave the nails dry and yellow like that, you buff them with a buffer, i don’t apply nail polish on yellow nails they don’t look aesthetic, after buffing you dehydrate them to prepare for base coat then nail polish then top coat.
Her hammer toes are sexy. Not. Even with a pedicure she has one hell of a nerve showing her crooked toes in sandals. If they ate gonna do a pedicure video, at least make sure the woman has straight, attractive toes.
EWW!! Her feet are fat, her toes are crooked, and she has yellow and dry skin and toenails! Why would they use a person with such disgusting feet for this video? o.O
bad fet not healthy, kind filty lol
Omg so sorry lady but that was the most terrible video I’ve seen dirty nail clippers, bad nailpolish job , and why does she even wear gloves if the stuff that she’s using is even more dirty