Today I have a 100 easy nail ideas! So a few days ago I realized I did over 200 nail designs in 2018 which is crazy! I decided to make a huge nail art compilation so I can look back on the designs I made this year and also just in case you guys missed some of them!
Enjoy this super long video lol and comment any videos you would like to see this year♡
♡Instagram @GabbyMorris
♡Nail Instagram @GabbysNailArt
Music I used:
Joakim Karud
New Nail Art 2019 💄😱 The Best Nail Art Designs Compilation #275
Here are some of the most beautiful nails art designs you can try at home
If you enjoyed this New Nail Art 2019 and Nail Art Designs then subscribe to our channel here:
Send us your video links via email and we’ll put them in our compilations! Email: 198nails@gmail.com
Copyright issue? Send us a message and we’ll get it resolved. 198nails@gmail.com

как они много места от кутикулы оставляют. что за безобразие!!! и сама кутикула ааа.ужас. (но дизайны прикольные)
Enjoyed the music from this video…
Amazing!! What brand of polish do you use? Is it all gel?
On 1:14 did it bug anyone else that it wasn’t in the middle!!!😣😣
What tape do you use so u don’t get nail polish all over ur hand??
Hey there’s a new ClassLady nail file video it’s cool – https://www.facebook.com/709397632462629/posts/2246948838707493?s=647248862&v=e&sfns=mo
Интересно кто ставят дизлайки 👎) Мужчины?
Ya des français?;-;
that final top coat always ruin my polish!!! how long do i have to waitt, like yearss??? 😅
What nail polish do you use Gabby Morris?
I’ve recently tried an app called wish, and they sell a bunch of items, and I think it’s great for acrylics or nail polish 💜😊 use this coupon code: ntdwkxc
P.S check the reviews first~!
Não gostei tô aprendendo o que eu já sei
socialisation of the video sucks
Kun 😐😅😐😅😤😐
كثير حلو سويت مثلها طلعت مناكير تجنن روعه يسسسلمو
I’ve recently tried an app called wish, and they sell a bunch of items, and I think it’s great for acrylics or nail polish 💜😊 use this coupon code: nsvfczn
P.S check the reviews first~!
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