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Kristina Urribarres
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FTC Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored. All products mentioned in my video were purchased with my own money, except the BB5. These are my 100% honest opinions.
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Kristina Urribarres
11054 Ventura Blvd #252
Studio City CA 9160411054 Ventura Blvd #252
Studio City CA 91604
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Hey foxes…If you struggle with achy feet, dry feet, cracked heels, and other embarrassing issues then I may have a quick tutorial that is just for you. Here I’m sharing a simple DIY at home foot spa that will heal those heels over time with consistency. This method works great with affordable products you can find at your local drugstore or grocer. My mom got me into doing this, and it has recently become a regular habit of mine. Remember, it’s important to take care of your feet. When you think about it, they do a whole lot of work everyday. Please check out my newer more professional quality videos!
As a disclaimer I feel it is fair for you to know the photo thumbnail on this video is not a before and after picture of my own feet 🙂
T W I T T E R: @glamourboxfox
I N S T A G R A M: @glamourboxfox
SNAPCHAT: @glamourlifefox
F A C E B O O K : GlamourFox
T U M B L R: @glamourboxfox
P I N T E R E S T : @GlamourBoxFox
M Y B L O G : http://innervixenbeauty.blogspot.com/
Follow Meeshka’s Fanpage: Meeshka, Mischief Maker
✉ For serious business inquiries ONLY: GlamourFoxBUSINESS@yahoo.com subject title must be “Business Fox”
✉ For Fan Mail ONLY: foxycatbeauty@yahoo.com subject title must be “FoxFanMail”
FTC Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored or endorsed. All opinions are my own honest opinions. No products were sent to me. I will disclose if a video is sponsored, I am sent free stuff, etc.
Music: “Cancun” by Topher Mohr and Alex Elena from the Youtube Audio Library

Thought she was so fine in this Top Notch Idiots prank video, so I came to sub, and offcourse I immediately find out she has sexy feet too. Lol I’m tired of this.
Don't kno what happen, I was subscribed to your channel years ago and I saw this video. I was like what happen!? Anyways glad to subscribe again!
Nothing wrong w/appreciating a woman w/beautiful hands & feet. Lewd comments are inappropriate & sad though. Lots of chicks in the comment section salty as fuck about men adoring women. Sorry girls. We all can't be gay.
Lovely toes 😍🔥💯👍🏾
I like your feet madam
Here come the horny men in the comments because of her feet😓😷
You have perfect feet, I'd kiss them if I were your man
Your feet is PERFECT!!! HOT HOT!! dangerous !!
from all the pedicure videos, you have the nicest looking feet hahahahaha….the others have REALLY funny looking ones
You should did white.
She'S posing like this to turn on persons of interest…. LOL! Mind you… her feet are Beautiful….
you are a goddes
Kris u look like a $1oooooo
Great job
Thanks for making a simple and true pedicure video.
Hello Cristina,you do have a beautiful leg and feets and I do admire your hands especially the fingers.Thanks and take care your self and your beauty…
Your 60 second dry polish doesn't work
How do you get your legs to glow like that lol?
Pretty toes
We don’t wear shoes in my house and my friends always judge my toes
My big feet won’t fit in that kind of bowl. I’m 5’9 🤣🤣🤣
How long is the soak?
"Get your chance to get it for FREE! 💯💯💯💯❗❗
Fantastic Foot Spa worth $79.99
Get yours now, CLICK HERE 👉 https://bit.ly/2rtSDEQ"
" yes it looks similar to poop"….what are you 12 years old?
anyone else have a foot fetish?
https://www.patchology.com/products/poshpeel-pedi-cure?utm_source=Google&utm_campaign=PoshPeel&utm_medium=Shopping&gclid=CjwKCAiAmb7RBRATEiwA7kS8VDU3k0WVKRKdyewx1TMlcSlhRdvnfULYkYyYZI5AvWu3iy0ffvA0qxoCMcMQAvD_BwE#ptab-ingredients (if you need serious help. i'm not advertising just retired nail tech and this is what many salons use)
Great video and when your cat was talking about your feet I just laughed!
I have been on my feet all day the last two days and my feet feel broken…. I need to do something like this but im too exhausted to even make this up, thats the problem here… wheres a slave(aka boyfriend) when you need one
Talk about fake thumb nail
omg I hope it works in have super dry feet
A great, affordable and easy tutorial on how to get pretty feet. 🤗👌
Thank you soooo much for this video. My feet are disgusting and dry, so I will definitely try this
I like it
Thanks for the video — unfortunately, my feet are WAY past soaking and foot scrub, lol! I see people discussing the Amope. Not worth it — if your fee are bad. I got creative one day and used my HOUSE SANDER! I still do when I have the time. In between, I have a sanding block from Lowe's and some sand paper on a sanding block that I use when needed. It works to a certain extent (and MUCH cheaper!). But I need a recipe for the at home acid peel like they use in the salons (any help there?). I have tried the Listerine and vinegar — no good (again, I am too far gone) So far, short of the salon (and they never do enough), I am with the house sander, lol! Anyone know how to make the acid they use? Amazon has one for $20+/- a pop — TOO steep for me! Thanks!
who's here just to see her first video