On Day 1 of my Bangkok exploration, I visited the MOE and the Asiatique Night Market.
◈ Equipment I use for filming◈ :
Sony RX100 Mark V: https://go.magik.ly/ml/cgc5/
PANASONIC LUMIX G85: https://go.magik.ly/ml/cgcd/
Wide Angle Lens: https://go.magik.ly/ml/cgck/
Camera Mic: https://go.magik.ly/ml/cgcn/
Camera Lights: https://go.magik.ly/ml/cgcq/
Handheld Audio Recorder: https://go.magik.ly/ml/cgcr/
Tripod: https://go.magik.ly/ml/cgcu/
Drone: https://go.magik.ly/ml/cgcx/
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Mike Chen
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Warm by Joey Pecoraro https://soundcloud.com/joeypecoraro
Creative Commons–Attribution 3.0 Unported–CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Audio Library https://youtu.be/my0gNESDrc8
50 $tants (Instrumental Hip-Hop Beat) by Clapp&theBassPhysician https://soundcloud.com/clapandthebass…
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Before I Sleep by Muciojad is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Puremusic – Closer (SineRider Remix)
Skyknock & Allay – Lucid Dream
Subliminal by LOWERCASE n https://soundcloud.com/lowercasen
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Get tickets to the best show on earth!!! http://bit.ly/2oDDr4o
Video Rating: / 5

Fish pedicures are believed to have originated in Turkey, Croatia, and other parts of the Middle East, before making their way to the U.S. The idea: Stick your feet in a tank filled with so-called “doctor fish” (Garra ruffa), let them suck off dead skin, and walk away feeling smooth and callus-free. In the past I’d enjoyed regular pedicures, so I hoped that adding fish to the mix would only add to the feeling of pampering—or at least make for a good story. I booked an appointment at a high-end spa in Los Angeles and was looking forward to my adventure. The entire experience was shorter and stranger than I could have imagined. Upon entering the salon, I was instructed to roll up my jeans to my knees and wash my feet in a basin filled with room-temperature water from a nearby faucet. I had expected to take a little soapy foot shower (for cleanliness), but it was just plain water. Relieved that I made it up the steps and into the chair without falling or kicking over the tank, I lifted my feet over the tank and was about to put them in one by one. The technician stopped me and instructed me to put my feet together and lower them as one unit into the tank. I looked down. My feet were an inch away from submersion, and the fish were already starting to flock together as if they intended to engulf my feet upon contact. Garra rufa fish, the animals most commonly used in fish pedicures, don’t want to eat your dead skin. They do it because they’re so severely starved that they’ll try to eat human skin for sustenance. These fish are found mainly in Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. The Turkish government was forced to introduce legal protections for the country’s Garra rufa in an attempt to combat overfishing and exploitation. When pedicure tubs are full of fish, they can’t be sufficiently disinfected between customers, and there’s no way to sanitize the animals themselves. Sufferers of contagious conditions such as nail fungus and athlete’s foot often seek out fish pedicures. If you want a nice, smooth, even exfoliation, you need a pumice stone. Fish aren’t nail technicians—they have no way of knowing what areas you would prefer for them to focus on. People who’ve purchased these pedicures have reported bumpy, uneven skin and areas that were bitten deep enough to draw blood.
Source & embed code: https://rumble.com/v7o28g-fish-spa-at-sg-moroli-kg-luanti-baru-ranau.html.
For licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com.
Video Rating: / 5

"Tiny" breakfast, for you Mikey lol…and the humidity is why I never wanna live in a super humid place like Thailand/Taiwan/Malaysia et. No offense. but your humidity will kill me :)-sure they're lovely countries.
someone should put their butt in the fish tank..
Try Pakistani food it's also delicious
Camera fogs when coming out of AC into humidity. It should stop once used to the humidity!
I was born in Thailand, but never lived there. Some day when I get out of my situation I'll save up for it, and take the trip.
I wish to go there one day!!! Your so lucky to do all the things you love as a job!! Love your works
Fish cleaning wth omg that's weird I would laugh so much
She was sweet
In asian it is called fish spa because they says it will eat all the dead skin in your feet. If they indulge ur one foot it means it has a lot dead skin and once they left you're all clean.
OMG the music is awful I had to turn it off the first time you didn't get a thumbs up for me Mikey
I grew up in the country in upstate NY. We had a pond and if I held onto the dock just hanging there in the water minnows wild constantly come up and nibble on my skin. He's right, it feels insanely weird.
you cooked the fish with ur stinky feet OOOOOOOOO kidding love u vids
how do you not get jetlag?
Find any chess tournaments going on? I keep thinking about the musical Chess when I hear someone mention Bangkok.
7:55 what’s the song?
well, with all the fish you've eaten, it's about time some fish ate a bit of YOU, lol!
Mikey you crack me up 😂
Are they just gonna eat me?! 🤗
🇬🇧 uk love
Geriatric piranhas
Fish who think they are dogs
In Wisconsin they jump right in your boat.
Now we will never get that smell out of those fish…
That's the most amazing I have ever seen!! 😳😳😳
This is good hope they are not perana fish if they were she would be completely finished.
She pets em all like they're lil puppies lol
Thank you for the video. Interesting to say the least. Was wondering if it is a health benefit? Please keep up the great videos I really enjoy them all 🕊.
👍☘️🇮🇪 very good I enjoy watching your video
I thought you said we were Piranha? No, I said I was a quarter Piranha, on my mother's side. I have no idea why the rest of you followed me?
Bro how much dead skin does she have?😂💀
Haha lol😂😂😂
The first thing that came to my mind was that movie "Piranhas". I'd be to afraid to do that.😊
This is to get dead skin off…. god lady! Your lucky and unlucky at the same time
I wonder how that could possibly feel haha