Question by baby_CSJ_ xxx: I am opening a beauticians and need a name for it! Any suggestions please xxx?
I am opening a beauticians which will have in it facilities for waxing, makeup, eyelash and brow tinting and eyelash perming, facials, manicures and pedicures, body massages, holistic therpy, hot stones ect, and a nail techinician quarters for acrylic, gel and fibreglass nials and nail art.
I need to think of a name for my salon as it opens in a month and need to get a sign made and leaflets made to put out before I open, I have found a few names but before I make any of them permanant thought maybe somebody can give me any better ones!! Theres lots of rivalry by me and I need to be eye catching!! Cheers to anyone who answers!
Thanks, from Caroline (“,) x x x
ps if you have seen my question somewhere else its coz I posted it in jokes by mistake!! thnx x x
Hi my Salon is near Chester in the north west?
Best answers:
Answer by Gorgeous
Answer by cindy
the hair house
Answer by kicking_back
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Caroline’s Renew You Parlour 🙂 I think it really has a ring to it, don’t you?
i think you have them already
carolines would sound good
as would baby c’s
call it : “COSMET”
A cosmetologist, sometimes called a beautician, a beauty specialist, or an esthetician or aesthetician, is a worker who specializes in giving beauty treatments. The recipients of these treatments are usually women
Caroline – whereabouts is your salon going to be – this may help me drum up a name for you
Jolie that means pretty in French. =)
How about Bellus which is Latin for beautiful?
Erotic waxing and facials.
Beauty 4 You
Skin Deep
Keep it simple but use words associated with what you do. Pride, Envy, Gorgeous, The Retreat, Vanity, Zen, Aesthetique – think about the image you want to project.
Good luck with your new business.
“the beauty of women”
good to gizzle
Beauty Luscous