This is an amendment to gorwnwomaninternational’s video “DONT LET THIS BE YOU” where she talked about bad feet during the spring and summer. It is a tutorial of all the essentials you will need to do a home pedicure if you cant or chose not to go to the nail salon.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

lol, I do call it Vaseline even though its “Petroleum Jelly”! You are so right. Very funny and informative. This helps out a lot because I’m not trying to figure out what is going on with what is being used.
Thanks for taking the time to watch!
U r so funny omg i have never seen nothing like it
you’re very pretty:)
I found this to be keepin’ it real but funny at the same time!
don’t watch then
LoL that was the funniest part!
Thank You Miss Tomi!!!
Hey very informative! Hey finally i know what type of learner I am! I need a teacher that tells it like it is! This was very funny and helpful I think i got all ur tips down now thanx!
i almost cut my damn husband leg off NOT SEXY lmaoo
Thanks for sharing, you are hella funny girl! Info is simple and right to the point!
Hey that’s not too bad-my sister had her head cracked open by a giant glass pig and got dropped off a sofa as a baby, and fell on her head several times through childhood.
It shows. XD
this is a great video! you girl is so funny! TY very much!!
you talk too much shit
Ur hysterical. Thanks for posting this up…my feet thank you!
GREAT VIDEO, GIRL YOU ME CRACKING UP, almost cut your husband leg off with crusty heals, lol lol lol. I bet your feet are fabu now though lol lol lol, thanks or the great tips. The petroleum is awesome and I also love pure coconut oil. Make the feet silky.
I loved your show you should REALLY do more I am going to tell more people about the sock’s lotion LOL thank’s sister
i like you,so straight and funny…
i have that same nail cliper
uu talk too much… i wanna see how to do a pedicuree!!!
I’m going to get that cuticule remover.. I usually clip them.. You are so funny!
I know. Walking around with those brick kickers out! They can use their feet to sand wood!
Thank you! I think my mom dropped me a couple of times. Lol.