Learn how to remove the cuticles from toe nails for a perfect home pedicure with expert nail care tips in this free grooming and beauty video clip. Expert: Danielle DeCamp Contact: www.IntuitionSalonandSpa.com Bio: Danielle DeCamp is a licensed cosmetologist at Intuition Salon and Spa. She has been doing professional pedicures for over five years. Filmmaker: Randall Gillion
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You know what would be amazing. Longer videos.
you need to wear gloves seriously.
if its too difficult then continue what you were taught. i dont, its not hard to use implements with gloves on, unless youre really not willing to practice. my implements dont slip out of my gloved hand, its not a slippery surface. im sure you also learned that a sanitized hand or implement isnt 100% “clean”, sanitizing is mereley the first step, your autoclave is the last step for your implements, im assuming youre not sticking your hands in an autoclave, hence the use of gloves
cutting the cuticles is alot harder then that. it actually takes alot of time and practice to cut it correctly
lol i got them snippers i thought they were a bit small 4 nails lol
You say for sanitary reasons but you still touched her feet with bare hands?
calm down it was a simple mistake geez.
“For sanitation reasons???” What, are you taking out the trash? I believe you meant “SANITARY,” dear.
just use cuticle lotion.
every school teachers NOT to remove the cuticle on toes, youre breaking the barrier and making it more susceptible to infection. using cuticle “remover” such as the brand used in this video is cuticle away and highly corrosive and usually doesn’t need any implement to “remove” anything, that’s the point of the remover. and yes you can put it directly on the toe, as long as you don’t touch the bottle to skin. the unsanitary portion of this video is the pedicurist not wearing gloves.
She sure has some manly looking feet!
wtf am i watching?
this is just STUPID you cant see nothing!!
This is just my opinion you don’t have to be nasty about it you don’t like it to bad it’s not that serious.
no she shouldn’t shut up all already…..U OBVIOUSLY DONT GET PEDI’S cuz they dont wear gloves….how would a glove feel on your skin
wait what i didnt see anything
man i hate this chick.
very good
she is slobbing all over my canole, and her favorite is cream filled, she is so fine
ew this is such menial work. gross stuff