012: At-home pedicure
Image by niseag03
I decided to paint my toe nails tonight. I added butterfly stickers after this step.
*Post-editing with optikVerve Labs Photoshop plug-in setting Ambiance.
Question by C: How to make yourself look better?
I have eaten so much crap over the week and I feel that I look worse than usual. Is fruit, water and exercise the secret behind ‘glowing skin’, health hair, eyes and nails?
Best answers:
Answer by Honeybear
yes. and if you put natural honey on your face it would be better.
Answer by Sarah l
lots of water, fresh air. clean face 🙂 clease, tone and moistrize!
asnwer mione?
Answer by Kaiser
– Wake up at a reasonable hour, not too early, but, obviously not too late either. 6:30 – 8:30 would be ideal.
– Make yourself a healthy, yet enjoyable, breakfast to get you started for the day ahead. Experts say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Choose carefully what you want to eat. (ex. smoothie, french toast)
– Put on the calming music and have a warm soothing bath, preferably with bath-bombs, or a nice body soap. Refresh yourself in any way you would like to.
– Put on your comfiest pajamas, probably one with some style, and/or your best house robe & slippers. Make sure you feel good and pretty in these clothes, too.
– Do a face mask, this will make you feel beautiful and new. Read articles on wikiHow that teach you how to do a natural homemade one.
– Treat yourself to a manicure or pedicure, maybe even get your hair done. Sometimes these things boost confidence, which relieves stress. If you have time, go shopping for flattering clothes.
– Have a small lunch. Make something quick, easy and healthy such as a salad or a sandwich. Try not to eat out. Home is the most relaxing place to be with your amazing self!
– Read a good book or magazine. Maybe do a crossword or sudoku.
– Take a nap! Napping, even a short one, can boost energy, confidence, and self esteem. Catch up on some Zzzs!
– Upon waking up, do some light exercise, such as yoga or t’ai chi. Then meditate.
– Make tea and something easy such as cheese or beans on toast, depending on how hungry you are. Soothe your soul and body while quenching your thirst and hunger.
– Watch a good romantic or funny film with some sweets or chocolate. Be sure to control your portions!
– Go to bed and reflect on what a relaxing day you’ve had. Tell yourself and the world how amazing you actually are. Smile at life.
– At night look at the stars in the sky and try to feel its magic.
– Repeat every time you feel down.
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What do you think? Answer below!

WATER definitely! I never thought water would help, I just thought it was a myth. But seriously, these past couple of days I have been drinking litres of water, my skin looks better, it glows, and I feel sooo much better in myself. I don’t feel sluggish anymore, and It actually helps me get up in a morning.