Question by : What to get done in the beauty salon for holiday :)?
Im not sure what to get done in the beauty salon for holidays…im going in about a week.
Things such as what to get waxed and more…thanks 😀
Also should i have a bikini wax..all but a strip of hair..or all gone ? lol
Best answers:
Answer by Ferd
I always get a wax. That way my body shines in the sun like greased chrome. I get my hair highlighted too. That way I stand out from all the lamers who are too lazy to care about their hair.
Answer by Cherrytomato
theres lots of things you could get done!
*Bikini wax
*Leg wax
*Spray tan so you dont look super white
*manicure/pedicure for lovely nails
*facial to prepare your skin for the sun
The list can go on and on but so will the cost!!
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