Check Out My Pedicure
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Question by Katja –: Is it weird for a guy to use face masks?
My boyfriend and I are planning a ‘girly night in’ for Friday because he doesn’t want to go out of town with his friends as he wants to spend time with me.
By a girly night in I mean watching Chick Flicks, face masks, eating pizza, manicure/pedicure and a bit of pampering. He mentioned it to his friends when he told them he wasn’t going out of town with them and they teased him and he’s a bit down now.
Best answers:
Answer by Ninja Gaiden DS
no i have friends who use mud masks but as in pedicure thats kinda more gaybestfriendish
do i look like miley cyrus question didnt post
Answer by Hedge Witch
My husband submits to face packs from time to time – but I never get control of the remote long enough to get a chick flick on the box!
Answer by Mr. Shpongadongle
Honestly – yeah, that’s a little weird. He’s being your girlfriend. Do you want a girlfriend or a boyfriend?
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It’s as ok for a boy to use one as a girl, especially if you have skin complaints. Different masks vary from others, some are for sensitive skin, some are for oily skin etc. So different masks will have different times in which they need to work, if you leave certain masks on too long then you may come up in a rash or your skin may react badly – its because of the skin-digesting enzymes in the masks that could cause discomfort. So have a look around for one that suits you – the best ones, to be honest, are the natural ones. You can make them at home and the chances of them NOT working are very slim, and you know exactly what’s going into them. It’s sort of like eating food, only you digest the good bits through your skin – amino acids, mainly!
No! If it makes ur bf feel comfortable then its alright and his mates are just taking the mick! My dad uses face masks all the time… it aint weird lol xx
well umm sounds like he is a very good bf..:)
Some people may think it’s weird because usually girls are totally into pampering their skin, but if the guy wants to care take of his skin, then he should go for it. =]