Question by love_baby_crystal: please help, nail aftercare advice?
hey, can you guys help me please, im doing a college course for nails ,and my tutor has given me some work to look up on, but im confused! this is the question she wants us to answer : what ADVICE should be included on your aftercare and homecare leaflet for a manicure treatment? i know what to put for the aftercare etc but what advice do you give? please help thanks xx
Best answers:
Answer by babysweetvee
Check out this link for some ideas
Answer by Lola Craft
Ask your tutor 4 help
Answer by macdoodle
isn’t that in your text book?
should be. or look it up in any manicure textbook or on web.
keep hands away from water, wear gloves to protect, come back in a week. I’d say.
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well u should ask a teacher
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