Question by x, leanne!: What techniques are involved in level 2 NVQ beauty therapy?
I will be starting on Monday 5th September 2011 & I was just wondering 🙂
I’m aware of waxing, pedicures, manicures lol 🙂
thanks x
Best answers:
Answer by AmeliaMegan
You will learn basic techniques in;
– facial massage
– mask application
– make-up application
– eye treatments
– manicure and pedicure
– hair removal
– salon reception
– health and safety
Your Welcome x
Answer by boo!
As well as the stuff you said, I did facials, makeup (day, special occasion, evening, camouflage) and eye treatments (strip lashes, individual lashes, lash and brow tinting, tweezing). I really enjoyed it, especially facials and manicure. Oh and theory was also good, you learn all the science behind it. It’s kind of like biology. Good luck with your course 🙂 xx
Answer by Lauren Doughty
Hi Leanne,
I just qualified 2weeks ago in NVQ Level 2 Beauty. I covered a range of things however this may vary in what college you attend. But I’ll tell you what I did anyway:
Facial with steam exfoliation massage and masque, day makeup, special occasion makeup, evening makeup, eyebrow eyelash tinting, individual eyelash extensions, waxing, manicure and pedicure, salon reception……. And the extras like health and safety, promoting products and services and effectiveness at work.
I got assessed by phyisically carrying out treatments and my tutor assessing me. You also have to do about 20 multi choice question exams on the computer. Its not just simple beauty what people think there is a lot of hard work in it. I’m going into Level 3 in september and can’t wait!
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