Fish nibbling on my feat at a sidewalk “Fish Spa” in Siem Reap, Cambodia
Image by Rob Sheridan
It tickles like hell.
Taken with iPhone 5 + Camera+.
Question by Niki and Ams: Ideas for Beauty things to do at home?
Hi… Niki and Ams (13 year olds) are part of Girls Club we want to go ahead with a thing called Beauty- Beautiful Summer but we dont have enough events to go ahead with it.
we have only these ideas
Beauty Salon
Fashion Show
any ideas??
It has to be age appropriate
Thank You x
Best answers:
Answer by Lucie X
You could have a dance show, that way you can experiment with cool funky make-up/ hair and clothes 🙂
Answer by Autumn Dennis
Heyyaaa, I had an awesome idea! Do a Spa Event, Salon (as you said), Fashion Show (as you said), Manicure and Pedicures, Clothes Exchange day, Jewellery Making, Clothing Customization etc xx Hope you liked my ideas xx Answer mine please?? http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ar62iGNn9zx62VLFyHuepcXc4yA5;_ylv=3?qid=20110417031542AAz8JsP
Answer by Kitty Cat
talent show, beauty pageant, a sleepover where you all bring along your makeup and beauty products and give each other makeovers and exchange tips. Major shopping spree to beauty stores and then pick things out for eachother!
i hope this helps and have loads of fun!!! x
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What do you think? Answer below!

How about natural face mask making including cucumber slices for eyes, I am sure there are loads of freebie recipes on line, such as honey and oatmeal, banana (obviously gentle ingredients for young skins) Loads of messy fun and good for laughing at one another.