Question by didada: how can i treat my cracked heels?
i ve used the big foot file , lots of different scrubs, professional pedicures, and also the blade.i normally used to have nice moisturized feet and keep doing so, but after my pregnancy i got cracked heels. now nothing is working neither cracked heels balm. any suggestion even professional one please?
Best answers:
Answer by Amy
Choropidist or cracked heels cream
Answer by Me
Might be worth checking if you have an under-active thyroid
Answer by Amber
Just keep on moisturizing it and after you moisturize wear socks:) even to sleep. Try to wear only closed shoes like sneakers, boots etc to keep the moisture in. It should help!
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Ped Egg – or get a good chiropodist. Mine comes to the house, takes about an hour and costs £20 every eight weeks. Result : luuuuverly feet!
try the new soap&glory foot cream, it sounds weird i know, but believe me it works like a dream, it is amazing, not only does it smooth your feet, but it makes them amazingly soft! and its not to expensive. this is an amazing product, if it doesn’t work then i will eat my hat! ha ha good luck! 🙂 xxx
mix a small amount of olive oil with a bigger amount of salt. apply it on your cracked heels at night before sleeping. it is better for you to wear closed shoes such as sport shoes rather than open ones that expose your heel to microbes
Ok, someone else said this, but I’ll say it again. Lots of lotion and then put socks on, it feels weird but it works amazingly! So ya, mostly that trick. It works after about a week or less!