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Would you ever get a fish pedicure ?


Question by ♫♩ α к ♫♩: Would you ever get a fish pedicure ?
Me…no way…i would be sitting there laughing all the way through it.

Its been banned in some states because its said to be dangerous

Best answers:

Answer by Ollie Dyso
I would try it, but i don’t think i could keep them in that long.

Answer by I thought, therefore I was
Ugh!!! lol

Answer by Jan409
No I’d never use this and now’ that I have read the article it’s time this latest fad was banned in the UK
thanks for this info will certianly pass it on

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  1. Sεqυαηα says:

    No i have really ticklish feet i don’t think i take the tickle torture lol.

  2. Vanessa Reiss says:


  3. For sure!!
    A friend of mine got it done and said it left her feet feeling clean haha.

  4. LITTLE BIG MAN. says:

    abbie,well not me,but i have seen it,i said too my wife,they need Piranhas,to get that hard skin off,lol,
    yes i do love her,abbie take care my good friend,and stop laughing.

  5. Starhawke Mystery says:


  6. LiveLoveLaugh! says:

    Eww no fish freak me out

  7. stanthemansmum says:

    I had one a few weeks ago and loved it. It doesn’t tickle much and it certainly does not hurt at all. First of all my feet were cleaned in a foot spa and then I put them into the tank. It was so relaxing and calming that if I’d been in a room of my own, I would have slept and my feet did feel wonderful afterwards. Give it a try, I was apprehensive at first but would definitely do it again. Just make sure you go somewhere that looks after the fish and makes sure yours and other people’s feet are clean, the water is filtered and you feel comfortable.

  8. OMG! That is so, so gross! What next, they bring back leeches to lower your blood pressure??


    I am very very very afraid of fish.

  10. Lone Woof says:

    I have seen it but I would not be that desperate to have it done.

  11. I think I’d be a little too freaked out about it. My feet are really ticklish too. I understand that it can be helpful and I guess you would get used to it. Can’t imagine getting that full body treatment in a tub but I guess if you had psoriasis and it helps, you would try anything.

  12. I don’t think so. It would be way to ticklish. I have rather eat the carp, but not after it has eaten foot fungus.

  13. Hawkeye Pierce says:

    They should use sharks

  14. no way under any circumstances.

  15. Ezio Auditore Da Firenze says:

    Lol nope

  16. Nicole Thomas says:

    well, personally, I wouldn’t have it done because although it’s supposed to be really good for your feet, it can be dangerous because of the bacteria transferred from another person’s foot(EW!) and my feet are soooo ticklish, i wouldn’t be able to stand it!

  17. no way that would tickle or hurt

  18. daisy_b777 says:

    yes i’ve already had it done and it was nice, it tickles a bit but my feet felt smoother after

  19. Its really bad for the fish.



  21. No, I wouldn’t sit still.

  22. † Ếŋĺģmà ♥ says:

    ewww I’ll pass, on that one…I have very ticklish feet 🙁

  23. Haha, I would just to try it.
    You only live once, might as well 🙂

  24. i did it in Taiwan and it just feels a bit ticklish. But tbh i don’t really see any benefits other than being interesting and fun to photograph

  25. I’ve had it done before. It was a fifteen minute session, and I was giggling uncontrollably for the first ten. I have very ticklish feet, and it took all my concentration and willpower not to jerk my feet out of the water – I didn’t want to frighten or hurt the fish. Eventually I got used to the feeling and it was quite relaxing, if very weird. I didn’t think it did much good, though. My feet felt very soft, but a couple of hours later there was no noticeable difference to the hard skin on my feet. I think a soak first, to loosen up the skin, would be a good idea, then add fish.

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