Question by sohail b: how can i get rid off dandruff in my hair?
when I use different anti dandruff shampoos, it fades my hair and my hair started to loosen.
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Answer by shortyxxs
All I can suggest then is to wash everyday and to maybe swap hairbrush to a fine, soft one to reduce the drag of dandruff. Using straighteners (male or female) is also more likely to brink up dandruff.
Answer by litpooo
try rubbing some baby oil in your scalp for a few days….its only because your scalp is dry
Answer by keykey
by washing it and making sure your scalps are not dry
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you should see a doctor it may not be dandruff check it out.
Buy Alberto V05 hairdressing in a jar, slick your hair down with it and sleep on a towel overnight, wash your hair in the morning, you will be surprised
Neutrogena – T-Gel is the only one that has worked for me.
Head and Shoulders makes it worse!!
i have terrible dandruff. my dermatologist recommended a strong dandruff shampoo( I use Redken Solve, but even Selsun Blue or Head and Shoulders is good ). But instead of immediatley rinsing it out leave it on for at least 7 minutes. Since your hair is fading try a shampoo designed for color as well. Use that first.
Never wash your hair in bath water and always rinse thoroughly
I got rid of my dandruff by using Heads and shoulders.Oil and massage your head and leave it for two three hours before washing your hairs. I oil my hairs while sleeping and wash it the next morning. Remember that after using the shampoo, rinse your hairs very thoroughly.
And if you won’t find any solution by using the above mentioned tips than you must see a dermatologist. It can be dangerous and unhealthy for your eyes and face.
try tea tree shampoo and conditioner
wash it. if u are black grease it and white, after u wash it, condition it
The best way to get rid of dandruff is head and shoulders i recommend.
These are designed to target and reduce the chance of dandruff and get rid of it quickly.
There are many famous brands in this sector of the market.
Note too that you should not over-wash your hair or rub or scratch your scalp – these can lead to dryness and further flaking
There is a difference between dry scalp and dandruff. Dry scalp only needs a conditioner, if that’s not enough try sleeping with olive oil in your hair. If its dandruff then it must be medicaded since it is a type of fungus. If over the counter doesn’t work try seeing your doctor, and explaining your situation. Oh, and you should be able to tell dandruff from dry scalp, because dandruff usually feels more like its part of your scalp and sometimes can be more of an off white or yellow color, where dry scalp is just tiny white flakes.
I use T-Gel works a treat.
shave it. and clean the pate everyday for couple of months.
Dandruff is a kind of fungus and thrives in dark, away from sunlight.
When rinsing your hair add a tablespoon or 2 of cider vinegar to the rinse water, or if using shower put vinegar on hair rub in and rinse.
(Don’t go near a chippy) lol
To give your dandruff the brush off, follow up each shampoo with a rinse of 2 cups apple cider vinegar mixed with 2 cups of cold water. You can also fight dandruff by applying 3 tablespoons vinegar onto your hair and massaging into your scalp before you shampoo. Wait a few minutes, then rinse it out and wash hair as usual.
Vaccuum three times a day.
Have you tried using Head & Shoulders shampoo and conditioner? Dandruff happens because your scalp is dried out, so if that doesn’t work, use an intense moisturizing shampoo AND conditioner.
check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:Dandruff/
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Often some of those anti-dandruff products are full of chemicals that do not promote a healthy sculp. Try:
Secret Hair Oil
From: Mountain Rose Herbs
(certified organic)
Hardly a “secret”, this is a special blend of organic essential oils in a base of organic Jojoba oil. For luxuriant and healthy hair, this is the best conditioner we know of. Jojoba oil is great for the hair root follicles allowing oxygen in and thereby encouraging new growth. The essential oil blends are both stimulating and nourishing for the scalp. Start with a few drops of Secret Hair Oil in the palm of your hand and rub into the scalp with your fingertips. Ask a friend to give you a scalp massage! Then brush the hair, gently and thoroughly, from scalp to ends. For a complete hair treatment, apply the oil to wet hair and thoroughly massage in. Wrap the hair with a hot damp towel and leave on for 20 to 30 minutes. Remove towel and shampoo well. Shake well before each use.
Dandruff is dead skin that forms on the scalp. Skin cells die and flake off the body all the time, but if the rate is increased and the scaly flakes are not removed then they can be seen on the head. Normally skin cells die and are replaced around once a month, but with people with dandruff, the process is speeded up to about once every two weeks.
Or 1/2 cup Water
1/2 cup of White Vinegar
The Instructions
Combine ingredients then apply directly to the scalp. Use before shampooing. Apply twice a week.
Also 2 teaspoons Gin
2 egg yolks
Beat egg yolks until its frothy add the Gin. Beat until the mixture becomes foamy. Massage the entire scalp and hair then rinse out with warm water.
Eggs are an excellent source of high quality protein.
A good source of 11 essential nutrients
T gel – there’s nothing like it! It works after the first wash. The smell isn’t the greatest, but trust me, this shampoo is a bit of wonder. Get it from Boots, wash your hair a couple of times, then revert back to your normal shampoo, and if you get the problem again, use t-gel. It costs about £7, but its worth it!