Question by skip a heartbeat: I have no self confidence!?
It’s all down to the way I look. I’m ugly and I feel fat. My hairs a nightmare and I don’t wear makeup. My clothes are horrible and all my features are wrong, small eyes, big mouth etc.
Best answers:
Answer by bella
try wearing makeup?
Answer by β₯In love with loveβ₯
Get over it,u cant change whou are unles u get surgery, which is not the best thing to do so my opinion is to get over it!
Answer by Seeker
You can do anything if you have nothing to lose.
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tai chi
Lose weight, go to a fancy salon and get your hair done, wear makeup, and get a personal shopper to take you shopping at department stores that have tons of options (i.e. Nordstrom, Saks, Neiman’s)…. not too hard.
I can guarantee you think FAR less of yourself than others think of you.
No one is perfect, everyone has things they don’t like about their body and its just a matter of not letting them rule you. Work to change what you can, like exercising to lose weight if that bothers you, because at least then thats something to boost your self esteem.
Finally, we all have off days but just smile, relax, write a list of everything good you can think of about yourself and read it, add to it, every time you’re feeling down and you’ll be a happier person in no time.
Cheer up π
Try to focus on the good features you have. If you don’t have big eyes, exaggerate it with eyeliners, shadow. If you lips are big, try to minimize the attention to it. If you feel fat, wear loose cloths or even a size bigger so it won’t be so tight. If you have good personalities, would focus on that. Trust me, the physical look is overrated!
I am sure that there is nothing wrong with you, sure i don’t know what you look like, but everyone is different and you have to accpet who you are. I am sure that you are a very beautiful person. Just think about people who have facial problems such as disfirgurments and birthmarks, and consider yourself lucky that you have nothing like that wrong with you. write down what you dont like about yourself but also what you do like, say your personality and then from that work on what you don’t like and deal with it, i am sure you look fine and one day you will accpet it . x
You can change both the way you look and how you feel about yourself. Are you actually fat, or would you just prefer to be slimmer? If you can afford to go to a good hairdressing salon, invest in a good cut by a Style Director after agreeing on a flattering style. I don’t believe women actually ‘need’ make up, but you could book a free consultation at one of the counters in Boots for example and get some advice about make up. Go clothes shopping with a trusted friend or relative and choose some flattering clothes. I’m sure your features aren’t all wrong, and make up will help you accentuate your best features and minimise the features you don’t like. Everything you do to make yourself look better will help improve your self esteem. Take care of yourself – eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep, exercise and fresh air. File your nails, give yourself a pedicure, wax, moisturise and learn to like, if not love yourself.