Happy Go Lucky. Teal Sparkle. White tips on pale pink short.
Image by Noel Giger in DFW, Jamberry Independent Star Consu
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Question by pinkfairy: manicure or therapy courses?
I would like to do a course in either manicure and pedicure, or a holistic therapy such as aromatherapy. I would like to know what courses are good and what I would be looking for as there are so many websites out there.
I would like to be certified enough to run a very small business from home by myself. What is recommended that I could learn in my own time and be qualified enough to do this?
Best answers:
Answer by Pr Morgan
Hi again, a month ago you gave me ‘Best Answer’ thanks.
A local beautician to me did a HND in Beauty Therapy (2 years) and soon after went self-employed.
She works from her own home, using two small rooms (one for ‘Fake Bakes’ only). She specialises in St Tropez products but also does manicure/pedicure, foot massaging, Swedish Massage, waxing, etc, plus Hopi Ear Candles and Aromatherapy.
She has plenty of clients (F & M) from her village and surrounding area.
Another beautician I now know has the same qualification, got a little experience with an established salon, now runs her SE business upstairs at a hair & beauty salon.
I hope these help you.
TBH though, I still think you could do your Pink Fairy’s Visiting Workshops.
Indeed, why not do both
(the schools term-time afternoons and the beauty weekday evenings).
Two incomes and job variety.
Do well…
Suggested business name:
Pink Fairy’s Home Beauty
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