Question by Mal S: buying a present for?
someone turning 16 ???have a budget of about £15-20 any ideas shes a normal teenager not a chav or goth,just down to earth girl
Best answers:
Answer by vansiepurple
buy her a nice diary with a lock on it girls love stuff like that! xx
Answer by kelly e
I am not sure but where we live my kids love gift cards to their favorite type of store.
Anything from an iTunes, to Pacific Sun, to Holister –
It allows them to get what they want –
You could also get a silver charm necklace or bracelet –
with her initials. ?
Answer by Chocolit B
get her a gift card to buy make up or a day at a spa to get a manicure or a pedicure or a nice sexy pair of shoes
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music is always a good choice
look on http://www.firebox.com they have loads of cool things.
I’m not sure if you can buy vouchers for her to buy music downloads –
What about arranging her own personal shopper at a department store, they usually have them then give her a voucher towards an item of clothing
the above link is 19.99 for 5 people to go paintballing, its also a special 2 for 1 offer so she couldtake a group of friends too.
A nice little silver neck chain or bracelet.
When in doubt gift certificates are always fun.