Question by x Sexy Poo x: oily skin..help!?
my skin is really oily, i have invested in oil-free skin products and have cut down on the make-up I wear, but it doesn’t make a lot of difference.
does anyone have any good products or tips they can suggest that will help reduce shine on my skin, it’s really annoying!
I am on antibiotics for my skin and am really happy because I hardly get any spots now, but the oily problem isn’t resolved lol
Best answers:
Answer by josephine
go to a skin specialist..
Answer by sai s
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Answer by princess_sunshine
I have battled oily skin and acne for years and I finally decided that it was all the oil free products I was using that was making my skin worse. When you deplete your skin of its natural oils, it will only make more, it needs balance. Try using products for normal skin and you may be surprised.
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oily skin.
I have the same problem. My face is usually shiny and feels horrible. I try not to use moisturiser and I don’t touch my face with my fingers. This helps a little.
i think the pure range from garnier is really good, it helped me a lot anyway!
Just a wild guess in my mind, I have been thinking about trying.
Go out and by Certain Dri in the Antiperspirant/deodorize aisle. Roll it onto a qtip or cotton ball and dab it on your face oily spots. This stuff is supposed to cut down the sweat factor. Which your face is doing.
Don’t dab on daily! Skip a day or so and see how it goes.
Hey! even I ‘ve da same prob. U can try n use mud packs!They work wonders for me! AVOID goin’ out in the sun! DONT use Oil-Based moisturisers, use water-based oil-free instead n dont keep it on for more than 40 mins, coz the skin will absorb only upto a certain extent, not more! Its gud tht u’ve already started avoidin make-up, coz skin like urs shld b free of any chemicals! Splash water on ur face every now n then.Use a branded face-wash, tht too acc. to ur skin type!Make sure u don over-do anythin! Don ever sleep with any moisturizer on ur face!
Well……..this is all i know!!! hope my info helps u get rid o’ ur prob.!!!!
I’m going to mostly copy my answer from another question (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AjWUOCXKJxbbx1Rdp7Wodzfsy6IX?qid=20061102133244AAuLzRA):
I have had horribly oily skin ever since I started puberty, so I’ve struggled with oily skin from middle school on through college. This is what I’ve discovered works best for me: powder foundation (I use Bare Minerals), then use a paintbrush to put on cover up (the kind that comes in a tube like toothpaste, I’ve mixed a few together in a container to get the right color), and then Corn Silk translucent No Color powder on top to set it. This way, the cover up is the only “wet” thing you put on.
Bare Minerals is the only powder type foundation that I’ve tried, but I might try some others that are less expensive. I only use cover-up because I have very bad acne, which I’ve had since beginning puberty, and the foundation isn’t quite good enough, though it’s the BEST covering foundation I’ve ever tried. I really like how the Bare Minerals foundation feels on my face, it doesn’t feel like I’m wearing a mask, I feel like I can move my face however I want, and not be afraid of cracking or otherwise messing up my makeup.
I used liquid foundation, lots of different kinds, for a long time. I always had the problem of it melting off my face. I don’t have that problem with the powder foundation. If my face gets a little shiny, or it smudges a bit, I can just use a dry finger to kinda dab at it, and it fixes it up with no problems. When I used liquid foundation, I was so afraid to touch my face, because I never knew if it would all just come off.
I’ve tried blotting papers, and that works well with the powder foundation, but not so well with liquid foundation, because it can just lift the liquid foundation right off.
A key thing for using Bare Minerals is to use the right brush. I use the Baby Buki Brush, and really get the makeup into my pores. That’s the key to getting good coverage.
The Corn Silk powder is wonderful. I’ve been using it for years and years. It really gives you an airbrushed finish.
My mom keeps telling me that I should be grateful for my oily skin, because when I get older, I won’t have wrinkles, because my skin will still be moist…but I say that I’d rather have wrinkles when I’m older and it’s alright to have wrinkles, than have oily skin and horrible acne now, when most people have nice skin.
I hope I don’t sound too much like an advertisement, this is just what’s worked for me.
I used to take antibiotics for acne, and they helped a little, but I decided I didn’t want to take them anymore, because pumping your system full of antibiotics isn’t good for you or for the world, because it makes the bacteria resistant to the antibiotics, and then we get “superbugs” that can’t be stopped. Just my personal decision, after taking them for multiple years. I took tetracycline for a while, and then SMZ-TMP (generic for Bactrim), and both helped slightly, but didn’t fix the problem. Prior to that, I had tried going to the dermatologist for other meds that just dried my skin out horribly and made me look worse (I have very sensitive skin). Hopefully you will be able to stop taking them after a while, it sounds like your acne isn’t so bad (I’m happy for you, and jealous!).
Good luck! I wish you the best, from one oily girl to another!
try washing your face
With oily skin you keep younger…. like me..lol
….plus… u just need to wash ur face every night with concha nacar soap and carry the oil sheets remover from clean & clear with you,,, just in case…. kises…
I have the same problem. What I do is moisturise at night only, then your skin doesn’t think it’s being deprived of moisture and produce even more oil (god forbid!) but don’t apply it during the day.
Blotting paper is a life-saver, i use it 2-3 times a day, the only disadvantage is that it can wipe off any foundation you’re wearing so it’s best to carry some powder in your bag to top up during the day!
Hope this helps.
Your skin is producing oil because you need to moisturize. Getting a good skin care line for you is really important. I agree with the person that said to use a normal line now. Especially since you are using the antibiotics. Principal secret (she is online and on QVC) I found to be great and you get a whole lot for the money but mainly her stuff is gentle. It might seem expensive but you use so much less than the over the counter stuff that it comes out cheaper. She has 3 different lines, depending on age. Botanical, Advanced & Reclaim for the 50 yr olds. In my 20’s I used her botanical and my skin looked like a china doll! Anyway, she also has make-up. But her make-up is pretty but not real wild. Bare essentials is great for any skin type especially oily skin. My friend actually sleeps with her make-up on because she doesn’t break out when she does! Bare essentials is in a lot of stores or on Qvc. She has a special coming up on Saturday. I suggest you give that a try, because the bare mineral make-up will help your skin as well as be your make-up. And they have tons of colors to play with. But truly, you need moisturizer that is light enough to let your skin breathe and keep your skin from feeling dry where it needs to produce oil. And eventually with the two lines, the skin care and the make-up you won’t need the antibiotic, which isn’t a great thing to keep on taking.
use bare minerals
My skin is super duper oily too! I now use bare minerals makeup and I love it. The foundation doesn’t make your skin oily and you can get their mineral veil that will soak up every bit of that oil. It seriously works wonders for me! Some times my face will get a little oily during the day, so I will just put a little more of the mineral veil on and POOF it is gone for the rest of the day!
I have very oily skin also. I used Shiseido pureness toner and pureness matte moisturizer. Which worked great for me. Then I tried Philosophy. I use the Purity Made Simple to wash my face, Hope in a Bottle’s oil-free moisturizer and something called Present to absorb the oil. Hope this helps.
I may be able to help… I am an Independent Consultant for Arbonne International. They have a product that helps to absorb excess oil on the skin. It’s called Arbonne Intelligence Personalizer. It helps balance oily redness and keeps your matte finish intact for hours. Visit my website at http://www.gotre9.myarbonne.com to learn more….
Have you tried a daily face cleanser? Such as by “Clean & Clear” daily face cleanser. That may help you out. Try to stay away from the fatty & fried foods, as thats also a factor in oily skin.
Try Clean & Clear or Neutrogena
Oil sheets work very well…wash no more than twice a day (or else you over stimulate the oil glands)…ask your doctor about Differin.
As weird as this sounds, tomato helps a ton. You should try mashing a tomato and then putting it on your face as a mask. I know it sounds kind of disgusting, but it will really help.
Try Dermalogica–
I have really oily skin too. I’d try mary Kay… if the products don’t work, the consultant will exchange them for anything else… Its a Mary Kay policy.
Oil Control lotion… I use this as my morning moisterizer. It really does control oil all day.
oil mattifier… I can use this over make-up if my face does get oily and it instantly gives me a powdery finish (like on really humid days).
Make sure you are not overwashing or using products too harsh-they will overstimulate oil production. Also, use a good oil free moisterizer at night (I like oil free hydrating gel). Even the oilest skin must be moisterized.
Good Luck!
Used Neutrogena Face Mask that have clay in it.Clay will absorb the oil in your face. You should only wash your face 2 a day. Anymore then it will dry your face out and making your skin to produce more oil to compensate for the dry skin. And stop eating oily/fat food too.