Question by QuidditchQueenOfSlytherin: Be more individual on a strict uniform?
I’m a 15 year old girl, and like many others I want to express myself through how I look etc.
However the uniform at my school is VERY strict. It never used to be, but we recently got a new headmaster and he’s super obsessed with our uniform.
Basically, we can’t add anything to our blazers (I’ve gotten away with one badge), there’s a specific school skirt, shirts must be tucked in, ties done up tight, no hair dye, no jewellery, no heavy makeup and no scarfs/jackets/other outerwear.
I know that uniform’s here for a reason, but does anyone have any ideas on how to make myself look more like… myself?
Thanks in advance x
Best answers:
Answer by StarbucksGirl
You could try interesting hair ties and clips if you’re allowed those, carry a cool coloured/patterned bag and you could add keyrings and badge to that 🙂
Sorry I’m not much help, I just break all the uniform rules because to be honest there’s not much they can do to stop you!
Answer by Genny Grange
Wear light makeup, colorful ties, bright shoes, headbands/hair clips/bows and a distinctive hairstyle and manicure/pedicure.
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