Pedicure implement
Image by Ben Lawson
This is a carpenter’s rasp. It does a fine job on calluses too…
Question by Cuppus: Alternative to face masks?
I’m running a ‘pampering session’ with my Guides group, involving the use of face masks. I handed out a permission slip for the use of face masks, but I need to come up with an alternative activity to do for those girls who aren’t allowed to use face masks, please help! We’re already doing a nail care activity as well, and it would ideally be to do with the face, as that is what all the other girls would be doing.
Best answers:
Answer by thatgirl
A face scrub? If not you could just use normal soap and get a rough brush to give them a deep cleansing.. It probably wouldn’t be much different from having a normal wash but I’m sure it would be fun and relaxing 🙂
Answer by Beatles
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