Launching With You TODAY, NBC News medical correspondent Dr. John Torres, investigative and consumer correspondent Vicky Nguyen and NBC News senior business correspondent Stephanie Ruhle answer TODAY viewers’ questions about the coronavirus, such as: How long does it take for symptoms to appear?
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#Coronavirus #JohnTorres #TodayShow
Answers To Coronavirus Questions: Is It OK To Go To The Nail Salon? | TODAY

Is it safe to get your pedicure during this pandemic
I don’t think it’s safe. If they aren’t using new disposable tools on every single patron, it’s not safe. I wouldn’t trust that the technicians will disinfect their tools each time between patrons. No thanks, I’ll do mine at home.
Lats of talking
But what is the reality????
I can't
The CDC over a week ago said there were 2 cats in NY city tested positive for corona virus
Nails salon coronavirus no no no. Most nails owners are Vietnamese American. Have you seen any Vietnamese American get the virus? NO NO WE ARE IMMUNE…
There is no real way to say where covid spread in California. I think it’s irresponsible for Newsom to say one industry spread it. He’s concerned about nail salons but not Gyms?!??!
Nail solon open yet?
Hairdressers put on your masks, clients put on your masks. Clients wash your hands before sit on styling chair , no waiting line , do one at the time for appointment only , make clients waiting in their car waiting to get in for theirturn. The country need to be reopens anyway before the vaccine be made , just need to find the way for safe working. I think any jobs after reopens that people should wear mask working.
https://youtu.be/qxbOiiTDG2o #diabetes #nailcare #nailsalons Don't Forget to Clip Your Nails!
y’all worry too much it’s crazy. let’s just do our part as people, stay home, sanitize our things, stay 6 feet away from people, and only go out when you really need something like groceries or medicine that way the quarantine can be lifted up quicker. in the meanwhile, pick up on new hobbies and cleaning. stay safe guys!
I do hair and my clients are keep texting me to make an appointment. (I've been saying no.)
I seriously want to punch their face. People still dont know what we are facing.
I mean I had an appointment, my bday in a few days😂😂😂
Sis the nail salons weren't safe even before the virus 😒
"Let's roll the tape…" 🤣
can u get virus breathing in corona victim exhaled air
No, many women are NOT asking or interested in this question! Concern or questions about getting your nails done? Unbelievable! Get a life. People are dying. Here’s what you do – send your nail person the money it would have cost you to get your nails done and don’t get them done. Be grateful you are healthy, have food, etc. Your nails? My god!