Feet After Pedicure Image by AlaskaTeacher January 4, 2008 These are my feet after a soak, massage, scrub, and paraffin wax dip! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I loved my time at the spa. It was so relaxing. I live too far from a spa to enjoy it on a regular basis, but I've been thinking about how I can recreate the experience at home. The key elements I need are: quiet, low light, candles, good smelling stuff, and quiet music. It's easy to find quiet time at my house because I don't have … [Read more...]
home pedicure – Therapeutic Pedicure At-Home
Support by subscribing. This video will give you detailed instructions on how to give yourself an at-home therapeutic pedicure. This is an easy and cost effective way to get the perfect pedicure. You don't need to spend a lot of money for your feet to look soft. What you will need: Dr Scholl's foot Toe-Touch Foot Spa with Bubbles and Massage or a medium bucket Epsom salts Sea Salt Tea Tree Oil Alcohol Pumice stone Nail clippers Cuticles remover & pusher Cuticle softener Cuticle oil You favorite … [Read more...]
nail art designs – nail art design 2
nail art designs from shiny nails Video Rating: 4 / 5 Looking for Pedicure Tips and Advice? This is worth watching... … [Read more...]
5 minute pedicure – Hydraulic hoof trimming crush/chute, model 800-1 back side – CowCare SIA
Verhoeven Klauwverzorging working with a 800-1 hydraulic hoof trimming crush/chute + catching fold. This proves that a good sytem with hooftrimming crush + catching fold makes the work more easy. Under normal conditions one cow can be done (4 legs) in 2,5 minute. We sell worldwide, for more info, check our website: www.cowcare.eu. ------------ Verhoeven Klauwverzorging aan het werk met een 800-1 hydraulische klauwbekapbox + vangkooi. Hierbij het bewijs dat een uitgedacht systeem van bekapbox + … [Read more...]
will a gel pedicure last 2 weeks on a beach?
Question by glitzipink: will a gel pedicure last 2 weeks on a beach? I was looking to get a gel pedicure as i've heard they can last up to a month. I'm going on holiday and we're staying right on the beach, that means i will be spending the whole of the 2 weeks walking along the beach. Will a gel pedicure last for me 2 week holiday? Best answers: Answer by happy go lucky..♥If they promise a month then yes, dont see why not. You could ask before you get them done if they would last … [Read more...]