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I have no self confidence!?

Question by skip a heartbeat: I have no self confidence!? It's all down to the way I look. I'm ugly and I feel fat. My hairs a nightmare and I don't wear makeup. My clothes are horrible and all my features are wrong, small eyes, big mouth etc. HELP Best answers: Answer by bellatry wearing makeup?Answer by β™₯In love with loveβ™₯Get over it,u cant change whou are unles u get surgery, which is not the best thing to do so my opinion is to get over it!Answer by SeekerYou can do anything if you … [Read more...]

salon pedicure – GIVEAWAY! Sally Hansen Pedicure Salon Effects [closed]

WINNERS CHOSEN & POSTED ON MY FACEBOOK! // // http://hannahro... Video Rating: 4 / 5 … [Read more...]

spa pedicures – Grangeville Idaho Day Spa, Pedicures, Manicures

Polish'd at the Gallery is a beautiful small nail salon offering pedicures, manicures and friendly personable service by Teri Adams Wassmuth. Grangeville Ida... Video Rating: 5 / 5 … [Read more...]

Pedicures Q&A: Has anyone ever been to a spa?

Question by lalalala: Has anyone ever been to a spa? if so how was it like? I'm gonna go, and its the first time i'm going, so i was just wondering what kind of things they do there etc. Best answers: Answer by Mr Bad BoyNo but I would love toAnswer by Sal*UKA few times - bet if you Google you can find a website for the one you are going to and that will list all the treatments you can have there. Have fun :)Answer by star_angelwell they do all sorts of stuff like manicurs,massaging,and … [Read more...]

10 minute pedicure – Quickie Pedicure

No more tearing the bedsheets up! Your feet will stay super smooth all year long! Easy, Fast & Sexy! Looking for Pedicure Tips and Advice? This is worth watching... … [Read more...]