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fish pedicures – Ticklish Fish Pedicures!

Video Rating: 5 / 5 Looking for Pedicure Tips and Advice? This is worth watching... … [Read more...]

pedicure kit – Vlog : manicure and pedicure set

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I need some tips and help ?

Question by meeee: I need some tips and help ? I am spoiling my mum on mother's day (the inexpensive way) i am doing lots of beauty treatments etc. Including massage, eyebrow pluck, manicure, pedicure and facial. I need some tips if about doing these like how to make the room nice, anything i can do to make her feel relaxed, anymore things i can do etc. PS. anyone know were i can get a download of calming music for free ? THANKS Best answers: Answer by JdLight some scented … [Read more...]

5 minute pedicure – Exclusive Beauty Clinic ZenSpa Pedicure

Our Luxury ZenSpa pedicure takes about 50 minutes. This video is a brief run through of the various stages. We only use Jessica Products and Processes. Looking for Pedicure Tips and Advice? This is worth watching... … [Read more...]

how can i treat my cracked heels?

Question by didada: how can i treat my cracked heels? i ve used the big foot file , lots of different scrubs, professional pedicures, and also the blade.i normally used to have nice moisturized feet and keep doing so, but after my pregnancy i got cracked heels. now nothing is working neither cracked heels balm. any suggestion even professional one please? Best answers: Answer by AmyChoropidist or cracked heels creamAnswer by MeMight be worth checking if you have an under-active … [Read more...]