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5 minute pedicure – 10 min de pédicure

Méfiez vous des israéliens qui vous accrochent en français... Lol. Video Rating: 0 / 5 … [Read more...]

pedicure tips – French Tip Pedicure

Hello lovers :) Just a random Pedicure for you all today! Hope you enjoy, please remember i am NOT a professional! Thumbs up if you like! xx - Got a request?... Video Rating: 4 / 5 … [Read more...]

What shampoo do you use?:)?

Question by : What shampoo do you use?:)? what one do u recomend for people who have dull hair:/? Best answers: Answer by MatchboxAussie shampooAnswer by user1MANE &TAIL . its amazinggggggg (:Answer by ////My hair dresser recommended Loreal because it's the least diluted hair shampoo. "Powered by Yahoo! Answers" Give your answer to this question below! … [Read more...]

pedicure – Jak wykonać domowy pedicure krok po kroku

Zapraszam na mojego bloga : Przepraszam Was bardzo że filmik jest taki długaśny ale bardzo chciałam Wam wszystko pokazać i wyt... Looking for Pedicure Tips and Advice? This is worth watching... … [Read more...]

pedicure and shower the same day?

Question by rosa: pedicure and shower the same day? i normally go get a ped before work but today i got one at night and idk whether to wait to take a shower will it flake off it was damn expensive Best answers: Answer by JessieThat's dumb...nail polish doesn't come off with water.Answer by tatianatake one in the moring to be safeAnswer by marlnailsIt can be possible to shower in the same timespan but be careful it isnt done in a 5 hr or less timespan to be safe. If you have french or … [Read more...]