Pedicure socks
Image by gingerherring
Sans pedicure, for the sockamonth5. Cascade 220, maybe half a skein on US 7s.
I am posting these for the knitalong, not in response to the oddly timed email I got requesting more pictures of my feet.
Question by Krista: Can you apply a gel top coat over regular polish?
I’m looking for something that will help prevent my nail polish from always chipping off. I have tried different top/base coats and nothing seems to do the trick, my polish always starts chipping within 2 days. I’ve tried sally hansen’s top/base coats and I recently tried seche top/base coat and that didn’t do the trick either. I’m even using expensive nail polish brands that can only be found in professional beauty stores. I remember getting a pedicure done and whatever they used was great, lasted til my toe nails grew out the polish. I just don’t remember what place I went to because my mother has taken me to so many nail salons.
Best answers:
Answer by Lexi
Gel nail varnish’s can be quite pricey but you could by a gel top coat for it? Or go onto gel nail varnish sites and I’m sure they’ll have forums or “contact us” bits where you can ask? I’ve had the same problem and mine usually chip within a day due to me doing homework and models.
Answer by Steph
Nope sorry. Nail systems are meant to be used together.
Are you sure the nail salon didn’t use Shellac or Gelish? That lasts up to 3 weeks and is non-chip and cures to a high shine. Most nail salons offer them now.
Answer by Tabitha
I have used Gel clear coat over the top of my nail polish but you need to make sure your nail polish is really dry. The 1st time I used it I waited 24 hrs before I put the Gel on and it worked great lasting until I went and got my acrylic nails filled but the 2nd time I used it I put the Gel on within 10 minutes of painting my nails with nail polish and 2 days later the Gel started cracking. I think I had my nail polish to thick or the nail polish wasn’t dry enough.
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