FISH SPA Image by SpecialKRB the fish supposedly nibble your dead skin cells and stimulate circulation. used here: … [Read more...]
How to Avoid a Pedicure Disaster
checkered vans, aloha sandals, pedicure - _MG_4719 Image by sean dreilinger the owners of these feet are having ice cream for mother's day. copyright © 2006-05-14 sean dreilinger follow me! FB / twitter / G+ view checkered vans, aloha sandals, pedicure - _MG_4719 on a black background. Mary's daughter was getting married. So as a last minute surprise she took her daughter and all of the bridesmaids out for an outing to get pampered at a nail salon. But just before the wedding, … [Read more...]
What is fish pedicure?
Fish pedicure Image by md1500 MD1500's fish pedicure Article by Kalpesh Patel Fish nibble away dead skin in a person's feet, thus cleaning the feet - this is called "Fish Pedicure". Garra rufa (aka nibble fish), more frequently known as the doctor fish are used for fish pedicure. This fish were originally popular in Turkey, and gradually made their way into the Asian countries and rest of the world. As these fishes are toothless they can nibble the affected and dead areas of the … [Read more...]