Keep your feet pretty soft and polished at home with this DIY Home perfect summer pedicure.
here’s how I give myself a spa day pedicure at home and get perfect polished toes and soft feet that last all week.
top coat cuticle oil and finishing touches was done off camera.
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How to treat your feet right? Our feet go through a tough time every day with all the rush of modern life, long lines, and uncomfortable footwear which can lead to discomfort and affect our overall health. Here’re the most useful foot care tips to make your feet and toenails look gorgeous.
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Keep your feet dry 0:35
Trim your toenails properly 1:11
Keep your toenails healthy 1:45
Soak your feet in warm water 2:32
Moisturize your feet 3:04
Massage your feet 3:25
How to break in a new pair of shoes 3:50
– One of the basic principles of hygiene is to keep your feet dry since moist conditions create a favorable environment for fungus to grow.
– To make your feet look gorgeous and your heels feel baby soft, soak your feet in warm water for 15-20 minutes once a week.
– It’s best to use creams that contain emollients, such as dimethicone, lanolin, and Vaseline, as well as moisturizing ingredients, such as glycerin and lecithin.
– Foot massage is the best remedy to get rid of fatigue, improve blood circulation, and keep your feet healthy.
– To reduce friction between your feet and shoes, use baby powder. Just sprinkle some baby powder into your pumps before putting them on.
– To reduce friction between your feet and shoes, apply some roll-on or stick deodorant to the problem areas.
– Fill 2 plastic bags with water. Put them in the toe of each shoe. Then place them in the freezer, and leave overnight. As the water freezes, it will expand in the bag and stretch the shoe.
– If you tape your third and fourth toes (counting from the big toe) together, you will feel more comfortable in your pumps.
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Thanks for all the kind comments. Updated Video: Matching White Manicure & Pedicure Video 2017: https://youtu.be/lFhRlvgTpjA
You should see my toe😂😂💔
That was a great video….informative🙌
Turned out pretty♥️
Nicely done I use a light color as well because am dark skinned. I soak my feet every 2 weeks
I like the way y talk. So jazzy. And the rhythm.
Lord have mercy stop it
So we are going to ignore the bubbles that stressed me out at 1:05
Do some glitter polish next time!!
Btw, you do great home pedicures!! 💯❤️
I really love this white toe nail trend but I’m so pale it just blends into my toe not cute 😂
And you’re cute too! Very good!!! Ok I’m done
This is beautiful!!!! Women who take care of their feet speaks greatly to their character. Great job
I love your sexy suckable toes
Love you bay beautiful feet and toes even when they're not done👣♋
Who needs they toes sucked 👅👅👅👅👅😩😩😩
You should be a foot model lol
Am I the only one who realizes the bubbles growing behind her legs😂😂 1:07
Sexy toes
how many times you do your pedi?
Have u put a prime on before polish? Or is that unnecessary?
You are a lifesaver. Thank you
Do u know how to get rid of black toes? Or those black color that comes on the toe nukles ?
It is difficult to get rid of nail fungus infection. My pal`s means of coping with fungus is this treatment method called “Tαkαnu Yuzo” (Google it) and she has been making use of it for a month. The significant thing is to begin treatment as soon as you detect! He managed to retrieve the normal condition of here toe nail because of this particular “Tαkαnu Yuzo” (Google it). .
Guys check the captions/ sub titles
Now I'm thinking about myself
What? Dimethicone is paraben which is very bad for your skin. And glycerin is not moisturizing. It's drying the skin from inside out. Your skin feels moisturized after using glycerin because it draws moisture from the lower layers of the skin.
Tape your 3rd and 4th toe together ? Why am i watching this when i should be out in the sunshine 😕
#6 is the same thing I tell customers about keeping mold out their basement👷🏾♀️🤷🏾♀️
I put on captions and it said "Hi, my name is Jennie Kim"
I was kind of taken aback a few years ago when I saw the "fad" about people paying to soak their feet in a tank of minnows who ate away the dead skin off their feet etc…when I had been doing this for free every Summer when I took my kids swimming at the river and set my low lawn chair in the shallows under the overpass…at first it's kind of a strange feeling,and they will remove most of the soaked dead skin.It really is effective,if you have clean healthy skin and nails.But sometimes they get a bit aggressive if they can't remove what they want to and may pull and tear at a small cut or cuticle.
Actually the word now is you do NOT cut nails straight across
Don’t buy or wear used shoes either.
25M omg😲