“Dream on dog! My toe nails are MUCH cuter than yours!”
Image by colorblindPICASO
The battle between Khaos and Sarah for who has the cutest toe nails continues. Khaos always points out that the very name "petecure" has pet in it (I know… don’t even try to tell her it is actually pedicure… dogs can’t spell for crap). But then Sarah points out that she pays professionals to do hers, while we use a glorified Dremel to do the dogs. I think Sarah is going to win this one.
Question by Mollie: Do I need formal qualifications to be a nail technician?
I have been doing my own and friends/family’s acrylic nails for a while now. I learnt how to through online tutorials and videos and I can do tips, sculptures, glitter acrylics, rhinestones, canes and more. They aren’t shabby home jobs either, they do look professional and I pride myself on the designs I can create and paint and I have spent a lot of money getting good tools and supplies.
A friend suggested charging people to do them and sort of setting up a part time business. I could either travel to people’s houses or there is a room in one of my father’s buildings which would be suitable for me to rent cheaply.
Would I need formal qualifications to do this? I know my local college does a 6 week acrylic course but is this necessary if I can already do them to a professional standard?
This is a genuine question, please only serious/helpful answers.
Best answers:
Answer by spew bull
mollie, this is a daft question, much like do i need formal qualifications to wipe my backside is a daft question. you can figure this one out on your own.
Answer by SENU
Ofcux! U nid it.
Answer by Karas37
I think it would be better like that doing it on your own….but you need to learn from the best as well…when I brought my ex wife from Vietnam she knew a little bit about nails just what she taught herself…I got her her first job in an all Vietnamese nail salon in Union City Nj, from there she went on to Bayonne Nj, later she became so good at what she was doing I had no idea she was also an artist she makes the most beautiful nails to this day and makes at least $ 700 to $ 1000 a week from work and tips and these are 12 hour shifts..but the only downfall to nail salons are the strong chemical smells in there..and the back pains you will endure in life from the sitting positions of manicures and pedicures..
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Hiya Hunnie, as a beauty therapist and nail technician myself I can answer this for you. Yes you will need a qualification to charge people as without this you won’t be able to be insured and charging for treatments without being insured is a big no no! You will learn a lot from the course maybe not the practical side as you seem to know what you are doing but the theory side, looking for contraindications and being able to recognise different nail conditions and different problems which could effect how long the nails will last etc. So, if you are wanting to start a business then the course will be invaluable to you 🙂 I hope I helped :)) and pop over to my beauty blog for tips, advice and requested tutorial on all things nails and beauty http://Serenitybeautywithkat.blogspot.com
i dont think so, im sure if you applied for a job at a nail salon and showed them what you got you can do it. then you can easily build up from there and open your own salon. answer mine? it would mean a lot to me if you did. thanks! 🙂 http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20121105060131AATykqs
normally you would need to get a certification from a cosmotology school, like you see in many salons they always have their certification papers hanging up. however making your way sans papers would be easy enough. start with a cheap base cost so you can rack up clients so when you add a few dollars they wont mind paying becuase they know you will do well. i think if you did house calls that would be amazing! whats better than getting pampered in your own home? think of girls who are going to prom and need time to prep and get ready at home you can go and fix them up or for weddings you can meet them at the chapel so their nails can be fresh! nails always look better fresh. not many people are going to ask to see papers just have samples, take pictures of your work and special designs so they know your capabilities! i woulf totally give you a call if you were in texas (: best wishes in your endeavors and if you need any more help feel free to contact me at ljj_29@yahoo.com