Magic carpet
Image by Greenery
I bought a kilim rug from Konya.
Considering that I shed like a cat, I suppose I should follow-up by buying a vacuum cleaner…
Question by Blue Lagoon: Do pedicures have to be in a darker color than manicures?
Best answers:
Answer by ♥fashionrockstar07™
no pedicures are for your toes dosent matter what color
Answer by Sweetbulbs
no…could be the same, whatever you like.
Answer by pinkluve<3
No you could pick which ever color you would like!!!!
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Not necessarily. A nice cool pink looks great on tan feet for summer. Your fingernails can match, or be another complimenting color (I personally wouldn’t do red on fingers, pink on toes). Nails can be darker than toes, it doesn’t matter.
Um usually i get it darker cause you dont want your toes to be all plain i get lighterr on the nails and darker on the feet
However, it IS true that if you have a darker / brighter color (especially on your feet) it automatically draws more attention to them. And this could be good or bad. If you don’t have very nice looking feet (hey i’ve seen some girls who need more help than any good pedicure could give them) you’re callouses and cracked heels and crooked toes are going to be 10x more noticebale than if you just painted them with a nice sheer, clean light looking polish.
On the other hand, if you have very cute feet =) and say you just bought a very cute pair of sandals or something, having bright / darker colored toe-nails will draw attention to your feet in a good way.
I personally don’t like having too many dark colors near my face (like on my hands) but lately I’ve been getting into some reds for the summer. I couldnt bring myself to try the famous Chanel black satin that everyone went crazy about last fall. but this year I brought myself to purchase Chanel’s Tulipe Noire (it’s like a rich burgundy / chocolate color and looks really pretty!)
Otherwise, I try to keep my nails light / natural pink when I get them manicured. It’s a bit more professional and cleaner looking. Dark colors are just fun and trendy!
nope. whatever ya like, girlfriend 🙂
not at all
no – I’ve seen a few ladies recently with Fench Manicured toes which looks nice, especially for summer !!! Go for whatever you like, I do dark red in winter but am currently wearing bright sparkly pink which I think was probably aimed at 10-14 year old girl market but I love it !!!!!