Question by SavvySue: Have you ever gotten an infection after having a professional pedicure?
I have heard some horror stories.
Best answer:
Answer by Marco’s girl
Yes…I got an ingrown toe infection, because the technician dug into my nail bed while cleaning my toes…ouch! It would not go away and I had to see a orthopedic surgeon who removed it permanently from the side of my toe….painful! I always instruct the technician not to dig deeply. I usually make sure I am the first customer of the day, and I do not shave my legs prior to the visit (open cuts are vulnerable to infection). I now bring a complete nail kit with me, including filing boards as they are a magnet for bacteria. I have not had a problem in years.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

never heard of that
but my friend came back from the beautician and had a nasty burn under her eyebrown, jusst where she had them waxed
she never went ther again!
No, I haven’t. The Salon I go to ‘sterilize’ the tools before a mani/pedicure.
Plus, you have to make sure that these people are professionals in nail/foot care.
Some of my friends tried this new (less expensive) place. One of them had a red cuticle area for weeks because the person pushed way too hard on her cuticle.
Make sure you ask around about the place you want to got for a pedicure.
And just tell the salon people to be gentle. 🙂
These types of infections are quite rare, as nail salons practice a lot safer methods of cleaning feet and also make sure to sterilize their instruments correctly.
I have never had any infection on my feet or toes. Just make sure you go to a nice salon not a hole in the wall, and also make sure you notice them using fresh and clean instruments on your feet and that they don’t go from one person to the next with the same tool, thats just gross.
No, thankfully!!
Have a great day, my friend!! 🙂
no but then I ‘ve never had a pedicure either