Question by ellie-belly: help! i need a unique name for my beauty salon?
i am opening my own salon in my back garden and i need a name but i cant think.. i want a unique name but sounds glamourous if that makes sense
the treatments i offer are manicure, pedicure, waxing, eye treatments and facials and soon spa treatments ( inch loss wraps etc),spray tanning and massage
the salon will be purple and have like a butterfly theme inside
like i want a name thats like sounds sparkly and glittzy and glamourous but one that sounds catchy enough so when i answer the phone
please help me 🙂
Best answers:
Answer by HotPink
what about “Precious” i think it sounds wonderful 🙂
Answer by D
Bee Beautiful.
Answer by purplefreaak
Diva’s Salon
Lol that’s all I can think about!!
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Garden of Eden beauty salon
The Specialist 😉
These are a few they are all I could come up with:
On Your Radar
Misti / Mysti / Misty
Charme which means glamour in french