Image by Gidge Uriza
Pedicure: [ PXL ] Pedicure Red #1
Manicure: * RezIpsa Loc * ~ Ruby Nails (glove layer)
Lingerie: ! Lyla ! – White and pink rose (Life free or 1L or MP)
Lashes: Amacci – Eyelash Tattoo 4
Hair: .ploom. Nue (small) – Ploomage Tipped
Hair Bob:.ploom. Nue Hair Flower
Nail Poses: STaTUS Polish Me Nail Polish Just Wear
STaTUS Polish Me Nail Polish Lid Just Wear
Shape: Gidge ~Savoir Faire Shapes~
Skin: [Pink Fuel] Alyx – Pony (ltbrow) – With Love Hunt
Eyes: Poetic Colors -classic – cosmic dawn (m) bright
Nail Polish Caddy: Pilot – With Love Hunt
Tree: Trompe Loeil – Funky Christmas Tree
Question by Flugel: How and when to start preparing for summer?
im going on holiday with friends this summer and really want to look my best
what tips/ suggestions do you have for how to prepare for it?
like skin care, how to prepare feet, hair care etc
when should i start doing all this?
Best answers:
Answer by Lara
well… i was ready for summer and sooo over school like, the seconds week of school. haha
but honestly, get ready near the end of the school year, but don’t slack off, because there are finals!
for hair, basically stop using straighteners and a lot of chemicals. heat isn’t good for hair anyway..
and pedicures and manicures are always good. 🙂
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