Question by Zoey: How can I make myself look more pretty?
Can anyone give me like tips or anything to make me prettier? I’m sick of being called ugly, which I get called a lot in school.
Ive also even been told I look like a guy.
Heres me:
I DO wear makeup, but im wearing barely any in 2 of the pictures.
In my personal opinion, my nose is too big and my freckles are ugly :/
So, how can I make myself look prettier?
And how can I make myself look less like a boy? haha
Best answers:
Answer by Big McSexy
Congrat’s BigMcSexy Has McSexified Your Life!
Answer by C@ndyLov3r-02
U are pretty š
ur frekles are cute on u and u have a normal nose.
Answer by Shop4ever
I do NOT think you look ugly.You should just accept for who you are, and you shouldn’t care what other people say.In my opinion, your freckles look nice and your nose isn’t big at all!Imagine yourself with a small nose.I believe that everyone was made the way they are, and they look the BEST like natural.
If I were you, I wouldn’t worry.
Maybe if you had a different hairstyle, that probably would make you look different.
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Im sure the people who are telling you that you are ugly are just jealous.
But if you really want to make you look prettier,
What you need to do is brush your hair every morning,Make sure if you wear jeans they are tight because they will show of your figure, also make sure that you are awake and not looking tired all the time because that is everybody ugliest moment.
Hope this helps.
But most importantly it doesn’t matter how you look on the out side it is what is on the inside that matters
you dont need to do anything. you look absolutely perfect the way you are. and whoever it was that told you you look like a guy needs to get their eyes tested. and dont pay any attention to that lot in your school. these bullies only call people ugly or criticize them because they are just pure jealous. trust me i’ve dealt with their type before.
omgg! whomever is calling yu ugly is smoking crack!!
if anything i would just wear some eyeliner+mascara<3
or maybe change up your hair every once and a while or something..
but other then that i think yur pretty(x just have some self confidence and don't worry too much about what other ppl say!! there all buttheads anyway š haha
Personally I think you look great, freckles are not something to be ashamed of, but for makeup tips, don’t go dark lighten it up around the eyes and use very faint eyeliner. Next try some type of light pink lipstick or something with color to make your lips fuller, your nose is adorable! Play around with your hair try out styles you like and that you think complement your facial features. You are very pretty, don’t listen to the jerks at school.
Hope this helped!
To be honest, you don’t look like a boy.
Especially not in the one where you’re wearing make up.
You look young…If you’re 14 or under, take my advice. Don’t worry. You’ll grow out of your awkward stage where you hate the way you look.
When I was younger, I always hated my appearence. But this year I blossomed. š
Just wear a bit of natural looking make up. Be yourself, you’ll be fine.
You are NOT ugly at all!! Your actually really unique and pretty. If you want to feel more feminine, add some big, flirty curls and natural makeup. Skip the black eyeliner!!
:O o my goodness! those people r stupid and jerks! u shouldnt care wat they say about you! ur gorgeous!! wow they r so pathetic! u do NOT look like a man and they can stop messing up ur life and focous on getting one of their own…thts terrible!….u rlly r pretty and they need to shut up…and i have a friend with ALOT of freckles and shes beautiful either way….i kinda wish i had freckles! HAHA hey it hides zits or somethin if u ever have em! but they r rlly RLLY dumb….and ur nose isnt big at all…ive rlly seen worse hun! haha but u r not ugly…if u wana see ugly, move to Delphi haha but dnt be so down on urself…ur soo pretty! theyr prolly all jealous of u…i wish i had big brown eyes like tht….soo pretty….
You are soo beautiful the way you are.
But maybe wearing a little eyeliner on your eyes would bring out your eyes.
But honestly I think you are a very pretty girl.
Maybe some shorter bangs? I don’t know, but you’re a cute girl. Don’t let anyone tell you different!
Well first of all, you are not ugly, you are actaulyl really cute , and yes pretty!!!
If you don’t feel like that then maybe you should just look in a mirror and realize, that you are adorable!!
I love your freckles so much!
and i don’t see what you are talking about with your nose
whenever i feel ugly, i always try and give myself a make over
smalltimes small like a pedicure, and find some old clothes to create a good new outfit
but sometimes like recently i feel terrible, so ill do a huge make over, and it just helps, like ill buy new make up , change up my routine, set one or two goals
I really think you are pretty, but if you don’t see it, or are jsut down, try getting your mind of it, have fun!!
<3 (: <3
Stuff them! You look cute and have an elfin shaped face which is particularly attractive to males. Your eyes are a beautiful shape but maybe a little more growth to your eyebrows, will frame your eyes better and make these, (the most attractive part of any woman’s face), more prominent. Your just being picked on because of your natural good looks, (without all the usual slap), and for you to change the way you look just to please these bunch of insecure cretins, would only empower them to challenge you again about something else.
By NOT reacting and changing to please them, will annoy them, but it will also indicate that your not going to be intimidated. Keep your good looking chin up and stay happy the way you are and be content not to change.
You look fine already.
ur gorgeous but since u need help..
1. put some effort into ur hair (use cute little clips to clip ur bangs to the side like this … http://beunique.org/images/piccss%20061.jpg …or do a poof or curl it or sleep in braids
2. wear girlier clothes and like jewelry and stuff accesorize
3. pink gloss mascara(exact eyelights) maybe try concealer to cover freckles wear perfume eyeliner (not a ton) blush bronzer
4. be confident!!!!!! (=
ugly is baaaad looking and you’re not
wear light blue eyeshadow? wear more mascara.?
DONT WEAR ALOT OF EYELINER! You should wear foundation(cover up) because you have dark circles under your eyes. And you should wear mascara. Then on your waterline, wear a white eye liner:) then wear some blush. That should do the trick:) luckk!!