polka-dotted pedicure
Image by Jessie Pearl
So here’s the thing, I walk about 5+ miles a day, and it really wears down my feet. So part of the money I make from recycling (which is where all the walking is coming from) gets spent on pedicures twice a month.
My lady is Asian, says "you pick a color" when I go inside, and I always pick bright colors like lime green or orange and it pisses her off. She always suggests that I go pick a "pretty color" instead. I never do.
Then when it comes to the design, she rolls her eyes when I say flower. "Flower AGAIN?" Um…what else can you do?
She seems like she hates what she does, but I love her and give her nice tips. I love how crabby she is. So my new thing is to troll this woman and her existance as a nail salon lady.
The more wacky, ridiculous things I can make her do to my feet, the better.
Ah, but this time she one-upped me. I walked in and she said "like my toes?" and showed me her pretty pink toenails with polka dots all over them. Sweet. I wanted them. Willie requested that I do blue, which one person told me makes them look like cadaver toes and another person said they made you look tan. Either way, I have a nice oceanic color of blue, and this time she said "very pretty."
I don’t know if you’ve had a pedicure before, but let me break it down for you. Foot soak, clear liquid on nails (I can’t read what’s written on the bottles,) nails cut and picked at with sharp things, feet scrubbed with liquidie stuff, feet and legs scrubbed with green stuff that says SEA SALT on it, rinse, rub down with some kind of goo, hot towels on legs, then painting.
She’s good. She’s very precice and the color goes on very evenly. Last time she gave me cherry blossoms on my toes, including little branches with buds. She uses toothpicks to do the design. Worth the extra .
She said "I know you like different" so she did the polka dots and I was pleased. The girl next to me said "your toes are so cute!"
They are. They are.
And I love them.
Next time I’m thinking yellow with black stuff, but I’m not sure how to pull it off yet.
Question by Purple Penguins: How can I makeover myself in 5 days?
I’ve about about 5 days off college (Wednesday – sunday) and I want to make myself over but I’m not sure what to do. Getting my hair cut isn’t an option and I’m gonna try lose a couple pounds.
Best answers:
Answer by Kate I
wear makeup…..it will make a huge difference to you.
Answer by Lemurax
cut your hair and gain afew pounds 😀
Answer by Stormy N
go to the mall and get a beauty makeover , wearing the right makeup can make a ton of difference hit the the clothing stores and find a new style and experiment with new hairstyles if you normally have thicker eyebrows trim them down if you normally have small ones plump them up with a pencil in the same color dye your hair
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Here are some good ideas.. you can do all or just a few 🙂
1) Professional Manicure and pedicure – french tip will always look polished and help you look put together.
2) Having your hair professional blown out or have the stylist do a cute hairstyle for you out of your favorite magazine.
3) Go to Macy’s or another cosmetic store and have them give you a “new face” – which is when they put on all your make up for you and give you new ideas.. and then buy some of those products or similar ones from the drug store.
4) Change your style – Not permanently and not drastically, but try new styles out of your favorite magazines. Sometimes a cameron diaz inspired outfit can do the trick.
5) Have your eyebrows professional waxed – it can change a persons life.
6) Dont stress about trying to lose weight – but if you eat really healthy for those few days – you’ll feel better about yourself.
i suggest centering your hair line if you cant get it cut, though actually, you shouldn’t cut it anyways, i like how it is now. but yeah, just center your hairline. you have really nice eyes, so maybe a little eyeliner to make them pop?
you dont look like you need to lose any weight..