Question by XxXxPinkPrincessxXxX: How can you look Glamour?
Over the years i have left myself go with illness i have had and looking after my mother but i want to look glamour not plain and boring all the time
any advice i can get on makeup ? clothes and etc wheres the best place to look for this kind of advice?
Best answers:
Answer by hellokittycutie1199
hey girl if you want to look glamour then put on a lot of jewery and preppy clothes and have brown eye liner
Answer by precious
definetly no make-up maybe some lip gloss, nice earrings, a really cute outfit. natural beauty is the key. you dont want to look all made up.
Answer by hotsauce
Hey I understand fully of what you mean on looking glamourous. You dont have to have the number one body but try these 5 steps and I am sure they will work. Ive done them myself.
1.Get you hair done. Where it down and curly(if it is long or medium length) Where it in a feather wrap (If it is short)
2.Buy a new outfit. Something that hugs your hips but dosen’t squeeze them and make you look like you are going to work a corner. Where a shirt with a buttons and keep a button or two or three down depending on how it looks. Since it is summer time where light colors. Stay away from dark and sunny colors that will make you look like a rainbow, but always wear something that makes you feel beautiful, and young.
3. Make-up… Number one go to Mac cosmetics and have them give you an entire make over. The will help you with Eye shadow, lip liner, lip stick, lip gloss, cover up, mascara, and ect.
4. Get a manicure and pedicure. Its going to get hot out and you dont wont to be seen anywhere in gym shoe. Where some nice kitten hills, or comfortable flip-flops. To show off your toes. Since they are done they don’t half as bad. (If you have not so good feet)
5. If your teeth, are not shining, and your face is a little bumpy. this last tip will help you a lot. (a) get arm and harmer tooth paste it works a whole lot better for your teeth and it has a better minty taste that your gums and teeth will love. (b) buy Biore pore cleanser and blackhead cleanser. Use the pore cleanser 3 to 4 times a week and the blackhead cleanser 2 to 3 times a week. Since their are four weeks in a month use the pore cleanser the 1st and 3rd week and the blackhead cleanser the 2nd and 4th week.
Thats all that I can say
Jenifer Sloan
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First of all, I’d get down to the newsagents and pick up a few magazines.
Look through until you see someone who looks like you would like to look and then start to nick bits of their style.
Hair styles especially, find a picture of someone with the same shape face, so that you can see what might suit you. Or get a consultation appointment booked at a hairdressers, and they can advise you. A new hair style can work wonders. Believe me, I know!
For makeup, chuck out everything that you haven’t used in the last 6 months, or that you’ve had for over a year. Start again with a clear lip gloss, clear mascara for taming eyebrows, and a neutral looking eye shadow. (pink/brown). Then, I’d go for a mascara (Dark Brown often looks better than black, especially if you’re blonde and a bit nervous – black can look very dramatic) and from there you can work up to fancy coloured eye shadows, lipsticks, foundations etc.
~Word of warning – if you go to a department store counter for a makeover don’t go to the woman who’s orange and dolled up. Go to the woman who looks nice and natural, and you’re likely to get a better makeover.~
For clothes, think what type of style you want. Laid back and casual, dolled up to the nines, work wear, or a mix? If you don’t know this then you aren’t going to be able to shop effectively.
The hardest bit – if you go shopping in an unfamiliar town don’t be afraid to walk up to people and ask where they got that fabulous coat/bag/pair of shoes/ etc.
If you want to tell us what you look like (ie slim, short, redhead etc) then we can maybe offer specific advice.
Good luck, and have fun.
Hi hotsauce has given you very good advice the only thing I would add is to get some nice jeans you can dress up really nice in them or casual, there not too expensive either, oh and smile, OK. x