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Image by deshanta
I was invited to partake in a free treatment at the new beauty salon, Wax in the City. It is conveniently located in Sandton City and is a members only facility.
Question by julmagic: How long should hair be before waxing?
i’ve always been a hair removal cream kind of girl because i was so uncomfortable with my body image. i recently lost 12kg which i’m thrilled with and i want to pluck up the courage and go to a salon and get my legs waxed, get my eyebrows done, have a manicure and a pedicure, generally re-inforce my new positive self image but since i’ve not waxed before i dont know how long leg hair has to be for it to be worth doing??
Best answers:
Answer by playchick
2 till 3 cm long.
Answer by acappella
About half a centimetre.. and it hurts, but not that much if the salon know what they’re doing, its worth it. Well done on the weight loss btw
Answer by TiffNE
at least 1/4″ for the wax to really be able to grasp onto the hair. Congrats on your new image!!
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i would say the shorter the better….less pain??
about a cm
it can be any length really but if you go to the salon they will let you know if it is worth while you doing it usually 2mm +
No, not 2-3 cm!! you’d look like a horse! half a cm to a cm is fine for leg waxing and eyebrows just let them grow, they will wax what they can and tweeze to shape the rest.
well done on your weight loss!! how did you do it? thats great!
It doesn’t matter how long your hair is because the hair goes under your skin so the wax pulls it from it’s root. Just wax your legs first before going to a salon after a few weeks so you get used to it. You should wax your legs when the hair gets pricky. It will still remove it even if it’s very small pricky.
good job on loosing 12kg. !
congrats on ur weight loss 🙂
well it will b the best when its atleast 1/2inch i think..
That is the only thing I really hate about waxing your legs. You have to walk around hairy til it grows out long enough. Kind of defeats the purpose! I just remember going to a new person one time, and I am sure my hair was at least 1/4″ and she wouldn’t do it because she said it was too short. Personally if you can go to someone who does ‘sugaring’, it works the same and is much much less painful than waxing. Congrats on your weight loss! Pamper yourself – you definitely deserve it!
The shorter the hair the more it hurts when plucked from its follicle.
Electrolysis has a longer effect as it kills the hair root thus stopping its regrowth but with 100 hairs to the square inch that’s a lot of pain.
I hope this helps your decision.
As leg hair growth is long the minimum length for the hair to be removed is 2cm. Shorter hair will not capture the wax and cloth piece. The longer the better it is for hair removal. Also if you wax time by time you will see a reduction in hair growth and one day it will be completely gone forever as your hair follicle gives up. For the eyebrow its less than a cm, every area is different.
Also in waxing dead skin also gets removed leaving your skin clear and smooth. For more in depth info and how to make your wax refer here http://epictureperfect.net/hair_removal.php