Question by Kerryann: How to be more of a girly Girl?
Erm, yeah I guess the question above ^^ says it all lol x
Answers 'ppreciated lol x
Best answers:
Answer by Charlotte
Start caring more about your outward appearance, laugh more, talk about cute guys. Wear lipgloss and light eyeshadow.
Answer by Amy
PINKK! 😀 always have nice nails 🙂 and believe in yourself. confidencee and be fashionable and curl your hair! ;D x
Answer by Jane :] ♥
hang out with sisters and friends 😛 🙁 it was torcher
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wear more makeup, maybe style your hair more rather than having it how it is. wear more girly shoes like pumps and high heels. more feminine and floaty tops,skirts or dresses. have a pamper day with some friends and find out what colours suit you etc. ive been told im one of the girliest people my m8s know.
Try this: Substitute clumsiness and jerky movements with graceful and fluid actions. You’ll feel like a fake if you just clump along while walking. True “girly girls” sort of look like they’re floating.
Buy clothing that fits and gives you a waist. The stores Rue 21, Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, Nordstrom, Pacsun, Wet Seal, American Eagle, Body Central, Justice,and Aeropostale are suggested, but you don’t have to shop at these stores.
Remember: makeup usually makes you look polished. Lip gloss and mascara is perfect for everyday wear. You can also wear cheek tints and eye shadow, if you want. Foundation makes your skin look flawless, but too much can look fake. If you can’t use makeup, don’t worry, your face is all ready pretty.
Groom yourself every day. A good grooming routine everyday, is taking a shower, and shaving. Apply body lotion. The last step is perfume. Pick a custom scent for yourself to be your trademark.
Look after your hair. Make sure you comb it with a wide toothed comb or a brush, wash it every day or every other day, depending on your hair type, and don’t use too many hair products. Straightening your hair every day could cause serious damage, so use a heat protection spray! You can also go for soft curls. Formal (regular) buns and messy buns are cute, too.
Keep in tip-top shape. Don’t eat too much dessert. It would be smart to eat low-fat (or fat-free) foods. Exercise daily. However, this doesn’t mean starve yourself. You don’t have to be stick thin. As long as you’re healthy, you’re fine!
Take care of your nails as well. Treat yourself to a pedicure/manicure, & make sure to keep from biting your nails, picking at them, etc. People notice your hands more than you think, and jagged nails don’t look very nice. Try to go to a nail salon to get your nails done. If you can’t, just do it by yourself or with a family member. If this is your first time being a girly-girl-in-training, try not to use dark colors like black. Use girly colors like pink, purple, etc.
Use mostly pastel colors such as pink and baby blue. Especially pink. For girly girls it is a must have color. Purple is a very pretty color as well. However, you can still wear, red, green, black, etc. Just because you’re a girly girl doesn’t mean you have to wear pink or purple all the time.
Have a bright personality, bubbly and happy. Don’t giggle all the time, because people will find that really annoying. Instead, make other people laugh, and be really cute. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Be sweet and friendly, do not yell too much.
Get girly clothes – skirts, cute shirts, accessories, jeans, cute shorts…anything pink is good. Make an effort to look around. When you first start coming out of your “comfort” zone you won’t like anything and will keep saying, “No” to everything you see. Go to every store you can. You might get tired of walking around, but just looking is a big step! Go with your friends who have style or with somebody who has any style different than yours! Let them help you, but develop your own style and don’t just copy theirs.
Wear jeans that fit. Don’t wear low cut jeans if you don’t feel comfortable, but make sure your jeans fit you. Not tight, not baggy. A belt is okay, but the fit says it all. Try on lots of brands, styles, cuts and sizes. Not every size jean will fit the same depending on the brand. The same goes with shirts. Not tight, not baggy. If your shirt is so tight you can see your bra or you have trouble getting your shirt off of your back, then it’s too tight. To see if the shirt is too small, raise your arms up. If your stomach shows when you do this, then the shirt may be too small. Things like camisoles are supposed to fit tight.
Keep your teeth nice and white. There are several ways to get the perfect dazzling smile. If your teeth are crooked, don’t shy away from braces. Just think of them as jewelry for your teeth! For whitening, you can either do it yourself at home with a store-bought product (such as crest white strips) or go to a dentist that also has expertise in the area of cosmetic dentistry to get them professionally whitened.
Be romantic. Girliness is also associated with romance sometimes. Be sure to read/write romance novels and develop a keen interest in poetry. You can also make this your music style by listening to love songs.
Listen to pop music.
Hang out with gal pals. Girls love the mall, shopping, and almost anything associated with beauty. Get a group of friends and have a shopping spree, makeovers, a sleepover, or any girl-related activity.
Keep a diary. Draw girly stuff in it, like ,hearts, other cartoon characters, flowers and write poems and stories and so on.
Girly girls always want to be the center of attention. So try being out there but don’t get into too much drama.
Be organized. If you are organized you’ll always be able to find the things your looking for.
Try not to worry what others think!
Say more hi than hey.
yea wut they said lol, girly girls find that wat they look liky is very important which isnt bad as long as ur not vain or stuck up about it, wear make-up and cute clothes that fit , like tigher jeans n shirts, wear a purse, im on both sides of the fence, so its ez for me 2 b a tom boy n a girly girl lol, look youtub e if u dont kno how 2 put on make up or wut looks good, lyke of u have brown eye type, make up for brown eyes..they have show how’s
I play field hokey, and i’m still a girley girl. But I don’t wear makeup, i’m not allowed haha. But i don’t really want to per say. But just swing your hips when you walk, do your nails, and flirt haha. But also care more about your outward apperance, just dress nice, do something with your hair, and i promise hunny you will turn heads 🙂
wear more makeup and care about your appearance and hair…and always smile! 🙂 <----like that!
girly girl? that just strikes up an image of a total bimbo who dumbs herself down.
you dont want that.
im guessing you really meant how to look more feminine?
well put up a picture and we can say
Start paying more attention to the way u carry urself like if u drop something dont bend over…bend all the way down and pick it up……Also when you talk to someone be confident and not all giggly….ALWAYS carry a purse…whether its super small or a tote a bag should always be wit u to carry girl stuff…keep things in ur bag like a brush or comb, small mirror, deoderant, gum and a mini perfume bottle……. As far as clothes wise…..wear more colors…..more girly designs…..and substitute small things like switching baggy jeans to fitted jeans……a hoddie with a cute cardigan sweater. Try to find some friends that are girlfriends rather than being surronded by guyfriends all the time ( but dont lose the guy friends cuz they can come in hand to help u wit that crush :D) Oh and u dont have to shower urself in makeup….a little gloss, of shadow or liner can go a long way. And if u wear ur hair in a ponytail a lot try wearing ur hair down or in a cute bun. Remember to feel confident and know in ur mind that ur beautiful!!!