Learn how to buff the toe nails for a home pedicure and get expert tips and advice on ensuring clean and beautiful, and healthy feet in this free personal health video.
Expert: Davina Burket
Bio: Davina Burket has been a full-time cosmetologist in the professional beauty industry for two years.
Filmmaker: David Cornman
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Iām a straight guy here tired of having ordinary clean guy feet. Iām gonna start buffing. Thanks
@baystategal i believe they use disposables or so i hope they do if nothing else u can ask them to get a new one to use on you.
Do you suggest using a cuticle oil, or are you using some other kind I am not aware of? I have read to allow the cuticle oil to set in for a few minutes to allow it to soften the cuticles.
I could be a sexual slave of these girls.
are you and skateboard boy here cause you got a foot fetish??
I lol'd pretty hard XD
any kind of oil right ?
i kno this iz weird to say but it luks like she has her foot sitting in a toilet. (an un-flushed toilet!)