Question by lala: i am opening a barber shop, but i want to add something extra like sunbeds or a masseuse??? any ideas??
gents only
Best answers:
Answer by dj_50@sbcglobal.net
that sounds great, men like to be pampered as well!
Answer by Star
yeah thats a really good idea. you can add specials like a good shave with hot towels and massage therapy too.
you can have spa-ish things like facials and manicures too heehe ok i might be going way overboard now.
good luck
Answer by jock Mc doogle
a free bar
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How about manicures and pedicures.
Wet shave like they do in Turkey that would be a good one.
Back crack and sack???
Sunbeds, fake tan, pedicure.
Is it marketed towards guys, or more towards both genders? Getting a masseuse would be great–perhaps have options that include a quick shoulder/neck massage. I often don’t have time for a full massage, but I would love a good shoulder massage after my neck gets all cramped on those hair-washing sinks! Pedicures are great, too, and would draw in a wide age range of women–everyone from the little girls on up, especially if you included younger manicurists and had cute little designs to paint on the nails.
I wouldn’t go with the sunbeds, because I think those are becoming less popular as people become more aware of the risks involved–what are becoming more popular are spray-on tans, and the self-tanning lotion. If you had an option where people could get help applying the self-tanning lotion, I bet that would be popular. I don’t know any place that offers that, but I know a lot of people who use the lotion, and it’s hard to get it applied evenly all by yourself, especially on your back. That could be part of a massage. You could also consider offering little makeovers, especially during prom season. A lot of teens would take advantage of that–they could get their hair and makeup done, all in one place.
As far as guys go, I’m not so knowledgeable. But if you offered a massage package marketed specifically for guys, that would be good.
Good luck!