20070808 – Bethany Beach – IMG_3013 – Timmy, Mark, looking at ground – Magnolias
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
Perhaps Mark is inquiring about Timmy’s pedicure?
The main event was going out to dinner at Magnolia’s. It was the family reunion of 2007. Only two Sawyers were missing — Adam, who was in Iraq, and Gina, who had to drive across country at the last minute to help her boyfriend move.
We had a professional photographer and some sub-family portraits were taken. Clint stood behind the photographer and basically took what she took, so that worked out for us, since getting actual high-res JPGs of the photos we PAID her to take STILL costed additional money. Rip-off levels. We didn’t get into the HUGE family picture because the angle of the automatic capture wasn’t good. Clint had to rush to set it up, and he put it on top of Carolyn’s dad’s car and it ended up just taking a picture of some feet. But we got the one with the bunny ears. Muahaha.
After the photo session, everyone was treated to dinner at Magnolia’s. I think the tab was well over ,000! (Thank you Johnny!)
Mark, Timothy.
camera, ground.
Magnolia’s, restaurant, Bethany Beach, Delaware.
August 8, 2007.
… Read my blog at ClintJCL.wordpress.com
… Read Carolyn’s blog at CarolynCASL.wordpress.com
To see 30 seconds of the video dedication from everybody to Adam in Iraq: www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUKaQTZ37kY
Question by GAYNOR R: I am opening a hair salon and would like to include a beautician what treatments would you have most.?
Best answers:
Answer by rochoa11
you should hire Edward Scissor Hands. he’s the best trust me.
Answer by miss smidgey
waxing ,
eyebrows ,legs etc
Answer by missy
I think all general treatments manicure pedicure waxing massage nail extentions etc.. Good luck youl make a packet.xxxxxxxxx
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What do you think? Answer below!

i would get someone to do manicures/pedicures and possibly a nail technician, some thing that can be done while customer is waiting for dye or perm etc to take. i know i get bored waiting for colours to take!!
waxing, manicures and pedicures, face masks, hot tubs, mud baths, massages
it doesn’t really matter as long as you have good empoyees.
But things that arnt messy like mani’s and pedi’s. If you have a lot of extra things, put it on a big poster and let it be known! So people actually know as well. Good Luck!
In a hair salon, people generally want quick and easy treatments. If they wanted to lay back and relax they go to a beauty shop or a spa.
A beautician in a hair salon is the only way for hair stylists to go these days. It’s almost a must.
I would go for…
Waxing (not specific, but most will probably go for eye-brow, upper lip, legs and bikini.)
Spray tanning and St. Tropez (or a booth.)
Manicures and pedicures are good but might be tough with just one beautician as they’re time consuming. My manicures take an hour.
Makeup demonstations (it’s suprising how many people will pay for someone to show them how to apply makeup correctly)
Eye treatments (eyebrow shaping and tinting, eyelash tinting)
If it’s a salon for men and women, then some men’s treatments may be good for business. Maybe a professional shave with facial.
Another money maker is wedding packages. Throw in some champagne with the beauty treatments and hair styling on the day of the wedding and you’re set.
A top tip is to sell the products that are used. Try and bag and exclusive contract with some brands.