Question by Pixie: I’d like to give myself a pedicure at home but I don’t know how to go about it. Can anyone help please?
Best answers:
Answer by hot chick
not sure though
Answer by cutegorgy
I could bite yah nails for free.
Answer by emo_i_luv
try some of these tips
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Pedicure is best given by another person to really feel pampered. But any way, soak your feet in warm water with a little shampoo or oil drops added, thenafter, clip your nails, massage some cream, that’s it
Well get one of those thing that takes off your dead skin of your feet. Then use a foot massager and put your feet in them. After that dry your feet off,clip you nails,and put some moisturizing cream on them. Then get one of those toe separating things and paint them. Hope that helps!
Buy some nail clippers.
Steps for a home pedicure:
1) Fill a small tub with warm water and add a foot cleansing product. I prefer Dead Sea salts but you can use a drop or two of ordinary disinfectant such as Dettol and a shower scrub. Keep your feet in for about 7 minutes.
2) Use a pumice stone or one of those foot brushes to gently brush the rougher areas such as the heel and the sides of the foot. If there’s a brush, you can also brush the toes.
3) Rinse feet and dry them off. Use a moisturizer on your feet immediately. I prefer certain foot creams that keep the foot hydrated for longer periods of time (a lot of them have mint in them).
4) Wipe off the toenails to make sure they’re not slippery with moisturizer and trim them with a nail cutter. Trim them straight across because that is the preferable shape for toenails. If your toenails are already short, simply file straight across using the rough side of a nail file.
5) Using the smoother side of the file, add the last touches to the nails and wipe them down again. Push back the cuticles and if you have a cuticle trimmer, you can use that too.
6) If you’re going to use a dark nail polish, first cover nails with a clear base coat, then use the dark polish because otherwise your nails will yellow. Wait until the base coat dries and then use the colored polish. Finally, top it off with a coat of clear polish.
7) Always keep your foot moisturized. You can use moisturizer at night and then wear cotton socks until morning to get smooth feet.
you could buy a at home foot spa, get some foot scrub, foot cream, foot file, nail file, nail clipper, pumice stone, and moisture lock socks. Its very easy, once you get your feet clean and soft, all the dead skin off, file/clip toe nails while still wet so it’ll be easier, find a nice polish, put the foot cream on, and then the socks.
*hint* the best way to keep your feet looking nice is to always keep something on them, don’t always be barefoot.
yup first make an exfoliant foot scrub almonds and natural yoghurt is nice or buy one
apply it to the foot, scrub ,and then soak feet
use a pumice stone and rub away any dead skin and soak feet
then file toe nails apply some cuticle remover and trim away any excess cuticle and soak
apply a base coat top coat and polish and wolla pretty toes i usually like to stick one or two diamonds on my nail afer wards too good luck. its also nice when soaking the feet to put one or two drops of lavender or peppermint oil in the hot water
grow a pair of feet