Question by M.p: ideas how to wear black trousers with brown open-toe wedges?
i’ve got a job induction in a very fashion company.its really short notice so i didn’t had time and funds to prepare an outfit.i’ve got a suede brown with white lace open toe wedges and i was thinking of wearing them with some black trousers,i also have some black jeans but not sure if it would be appropriate but now im not sure what to wear on top :S i’ve got black heels but i wouldnt be able to be all day in them.any ideas?
i’ve also got some ballerinas in dark brown suede very cute but again not sure what to wear them with
Best answers:
Answer by spoonhead
I don’t think you should wear brown shoes with black trousers ever, fashion faux pas
Answer by Leo
The best black dress pants choice for brown open-toe wedges would be a cropped, slim-cut dress pants (think Audrey Hepburn-style cigarette pants). This allows some spacing between the two dark colors, which will diminish the likelihood of clashing. Plus, an open-toe shoe indicates a warmer season or attitude, and a cropped pant complements that tone. Definitely skip pantyhoseโmake sure you have a pretty and professional pedicure!
I found an article you should check out more information and ideas. http://www.stylequirk.com/fashion/which-shoes-to-wear-with-black-trousers/
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