Question by LP: if pedicure is to make your feet look better, what treatment will get rid of all the hard skin?
I’m sure the answer to this question is really easy but I honestly can’t find the answer to it.
my feet have been suffering over the past few years and i badly need to get rid of some hard skin on my feet. what treatment is available? i don’t think a pedicure would be enough but i’ve never had one so i’m not sure.
i’ve already tried doing it myself at home but it’s not really working…
Best answers:
Answer by Lorna M
i use emery boards that are for nails they work wonders on hard skin your get through a few but there dirt cheap then rub body lotion on does the trick nice soft feet i get terrible hard skin on my feet hubby says there hooves not feet lol give it a go
Answer by donna_costello
Go in to boots and get uself a ped egg. This contraption will remove all the hard skin on ur feet. I have one and its brilliant. Costs about a tenner. Use a good foot cream after and before bed u can put it on and wear cotton socks over night and when u wake up ur feet wil be lovely and soft.
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