Question by Tonya: I’m getting a pedicure tomorrow will they care about my really really short toenails?
When I was 6 I bites my toenails I stopped when I was like 8 and since then they have not grew back much I’m 16
Best answers:
Answer by Johanna!
Nope they are there to make you happy and cute not mock your toe nail size have fun!
Answer by Cait
Nah, they’re used to that…
People enter the beauty parlours with all kinds of nails, don’t be embarrassed that yours are short. They might even have a solution for you! I often get manicures and pedicures even though I have quite short nails – they don’t seem to mind. I’m sure if you explain the situation to them, they will just laugh about it in a nice way so that you’re no longer embarrassed.
Have fun 🙂
Answer by Gabby.
They’ve been there & done that!
It’s natural, Short or Long toenails.
Clearrly Regular!
Good Luck ♥
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What do you think? Answer below!

nope. my toenails are short but they still make my feet be pretty!
Nope, not at all(:
The people who work there are there not only to make you look beautiful, but feel beautiful too(: They won’t yell at you, and if they do, walk out. There are PLENTY of salons where the people are fantastic, and very very nice.
You don’t even have to bring the reason your nails are so short up, but you can and it could probably make good conversation. (:
Don’t you worry about that. The people at the nail salons are experts at this kind of thing. People walk in with nasty yellow jagged toenails and come out with their toenails looking great! Short toenails are nothing to worry about. My toenails are pretty short and when I go in, they can do a french tip and even draw a flower on it. Trust me, you have nothing to fear.